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The crisis must not be used as an excuse to question the substance of the decisions taken on the NHS

Statement by the General Secretary of AKEL A.Kyprianou

AKEL on the second phase of the National Health System

AKEL C.C. Press Office, 28th April 2020

In recent days, the question of postponing the start of the second phase of the National Health system’s implementation has been raised. We believe that the whole issue is very serious and has important parameters that need to be studied in depth. We point out the following:

Health is a basic human right. A right that the state must guarantee to all citizens, regardless of their financial situation, universally and equally.

The NHS, which was put in force in June 2019, serves this goal. The coronavirus pandemic highlighted in the strongest possible terms the enormous importance of a strong, socially oriented health system and the existence of a strong, well-funded, fully staffed public health sector. At the same time, it also demonstrated the tragic consequences that the austerity policies and cuts in the health sector, which have been implemented in most countries, have had on the health system’s ability to respond to the crisis. This also applies to Cyprus.

Cypriot society is facing a health crisis. There is an accumulated need for secondary health services that has become bigger due to the measures that were taken to confront the coronavirus pandemic. At the same time, wage earners, the vulnerable sections of society, the largest section of the population are on reduced incomes that barely cover their elemenatry needs, and there are cases where even these are not covered.

In addition, the National Health System, due to the reduction in incomes, has lost millions of Euros in revenues. Therefore, the main question that the government is called upon to answer is that under these conditions is the provision of comprehensive health services to society guaranteed?

We consider it necessary for the President of the Republic to convene a meeting with the political parties immediately to discuss this issue.

Any postponement of the implementation of the 2nd Phase of the NHS is not a simple procedural issue that will be decided or proposed by the Health Insurance Organisation (HIO). It is a matter that has to do with the right to universal and accessible health services. A right that tens of thousands of patients in need of secondary health care will be deprived of. This needs to be taken into account in the decisions that will be made. It is the government’s responsibility to provide solutions and answers.

Our appeal to the President of the Republic is that he should convene the meeting with the political parties to discuss all these issues.

As far as AKEL is concerned, we make it absolutely clear that we will not accept whatever difficulties have arisen due the coronavirus to be used as an excuse to question the substance of the decisions that have been taken on the NHS.




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