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AKEL proposes three measures to address the pandemic’s socio-economic consequences


Statement by AKEL C.C. Spokesperson Stefanos Stefanou

AKEL C.C. Press Office, 17th March 2020

90331202_3178953968805075_4997563601335091200_oReduction in the price of electricity, additional measures for the self-employed and suspension of foreclosures are demanded

In the face of the unprecedented situation our country and the whole world is facing – in parallel with the emergency measures approved to limit the spread of the virus – coordinated action is demanded in order to address the socio-economic consequences of the coronavirus pandemic. In addition to the measures AKEL submitted yesterday, we also propose the following:

  1. In addition to reducing VAT on electricity bills, AKEL proposes that the semi-governmental Cyprus Electricity Authority should make use of a small portion of its reserves so that part of the electricity costs for the immediate future are covered.
  2. In addition to the self-employed people in the field of education, the government should take measures to provide support to other groups of working people also who are working under the purchase of services status. Many self-employed people have already lost their jobs.
  3. Banks must protect society and help the economy by making use in a rational way of the instruments which the European Central Bank has granted. It is absolutely essential that borrowers are protected and that foreclosures of primary family homes and small business premises are suspended.



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