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Anastasiades government-DISY policies perpetuate and reproduce Cyprus economy’s distortions and problems

Statement by AKEL C.C. Spokesperson Stefanos Stefanou

AKEL replies to DISY President Averof Neofytou

AKEL C.C. Press Office, 16th February 2020, Nicosia

We don’t expect the President of DISY and the government ruling forces in general will ever acknowledge what even the European Union itself concludes. Namely, that the economic crisis in Cyprus was caused by the banks with their erroneous practices (Averof Neofytou may refer to the European Commission report submitted to the European Parliament on 17th April 2013). We also do not expect that Mr. Averof Neofytou and the government ruling forces will ever admit the fact that they were the ones who provoked the economy’s destruction with the haircut on bank deposits. After all, they themselves had pledged before the 2013 presidential elections that they would never accept a haircut because this would destroy the economy. They subsequently imposed the haircut on bank deposits and destroyed the economy.

What is today acknowledged even in the EU as well is that the neoliberal recipes that were implemented to address the crisis do not actually solve the problems, but perpetuate, reproduce and feed them. It is precisely these policies that have been implemented by the government ruling forces and which they continue today to impose dogmatically and with authoritarianism. It is these very policies that perpetuate and reproduce the distortions and problems that the Cyprus economy has. It is through these policies that socio-economic insecurity, inequality, the risk of poverty and social marginalization are strengthened and deepened.

There is an urgent need to change the socio-economic policy and the model of the Cyprus economy for our country to have a perspective and future. That’s what AKEL will continue to fight for, because it is precisely the dogmatism of DISY President A.Neophytou and the Right that makes our future bleak.


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