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AKEL replies to the Turkish Foreign Ministry’s statement


AKEL C.C. Press Office, 30 January 2020, Nicosia

As regards yesterday’s provocative statement by the Turkish Foreign Ministry, AKEL recalls once again that the guarantee of the rights of the Turkish Cypriots, which Turkey is calling for, is safeguarded in the convergences that were agreed in the negotiations on the delimitation of the Exclusive Economic Zone (EEZ), the maritime zones and the distribution of the revenues from the natural gas.

The need to respect these convergences is repeatedly stressed in the Reports of the UN Secretary General. With the solution of the Cyprus problem, this burning issue between the two communities is also solved simultaneously.

After the solution of the Cyprus problem, negotiations between the Federal Republic of Cyprus and Turkey can begin aiming at reaching an agreement on the delimitation of the EEZ on the basis of the UN Law of the Sea.

AKEL reiterates that the solution of the Cyprus problem will represent a vindication for our country and people as a whole, Greek Cypriots and Turkish Cypriots. At the same time, it will make a great contribution to the de-escalation of the dangerous tension throughout the Eastern Mediterranean, a major step for peace and stability in the region.


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