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Turkey’s provocative and unacceptable action to drill on Block 8


Statement by Christos Christophides, AKEL Political Bureau member, on Turkey’s provocative and unacceptable action to drill on Block 8

AKEL C.C. Press Office, 19th January 2020, Nicosia

Turkey’s action to proceed to drill south of licensed block 8 in the Exclusive Economic usoil-platf-thumb-large-thumb-largeZone (EEZ) of the Republic of Cyprus goes beyond any level of previous provocations. Block 8 has already been contracted to ENI and TOTAL companies by all legal procedures, while it is located outside of even the area that Turkey unacceptably and irrationally defines as constituting its “own” continental shelf. It is clear that Turkey is stepping up its provocations and pirate actions within the EEZ of the Republic of Cyprus with the aim of creating new fait accompli. It is flagrantly violating international law and legality in the most cynical way.

Unfortunately, Turkey’s outrages behaviour has not so far faced the reaction that is demanded on the part of the international community. It is a cause for reflection that the UN avoids any – even verbal – denunciation of Turkey’s actions. At the same time, we are still waiting to see the European Union implement its infamous measures against Turkey, which, while Turkey’s drilling on Block 7 has been completed, and there is a new climax of provocative actions with new drilling further eastwards, are in Brussel’s drawers.

Unfortunately, the EEZ of the Republic of Cyprus is not shielded, despite the government’s statements, made even today by the Foreign Minister, that the EEZ is “politically and legally shielded”. The culmination of the Turkey’s provocative actions and the tolerance demonstrated by the international community and the inability to address this action, create new fait accompli and new dangers for our homeland and people. These dangers intensify as Turkey’s pirate actions reach a climax.

We call on the international community to at long last put an end to Turkey’s unacceptable provocative actions. We call on the Cypriot Government to take all the necessary steps to safeguard our EEZ and people’s interests. The solution of the Cyprus problem will liberate us from the Turkish occupation and pave the way for wider issues to be solved. The President of the Republic must take initiatives in this direction, without retreating and by being assertively adamant on principles.


UN Secretary-General's Report on UNFICYP


Interview with Toumazos Tsielepis, member of the Political Bureau of AKEL, Head of the Cyprus Problem Office of AKEL and International Law expert