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 AKEL, Workers Party of Turkey (TİP) and t/c Left Movement: Independent and united Cyprus, without guarantors and foreign armies 



After the recent meeting and contacts among AKEL, Workers Party of Turkey (TIP) and the t/c Left Movement (Sol Hareket) the following Joint Declaration on the Cyprus Problem was agreed:

Joint Declaration

76765485_471754960131282_1278076331921244160_nCyprus has gone through tragic periods as a result of the devastating efforts of the nationalist and chauvinist forces in both community, as well as the conspiracies of Anglo-American imperialism that provoked and exploited these efforts.

Cyprus was divided into two because of the Greek fascist coup of July 15, 1974 and the Turkey’s military intervention of July 20, 1974 within the framework of NATO’s plans.  

The division in Cyprus strengthened the regional strategic interests and dominance of imperialism. The militarization of the Eastern Mediterranean and the island of Cyprus leads unresolved issues to further deadlocks in the region and on the island. Imperialist influence and hegemony on the island has intensified further and Cyprus has been and continues to be used through many imperialist military bases and listening facilities, as a launching pad for waging attacks in the region of the Middle East and against its peoples.

The non-existence of a solution to the Cyprus problem makes the division of the island permanent, strengthens imperialism’s regional hegemony and prevents the coexistence of the two communities under a federal framework.

The Cyprus problem, which has been going on for more than half a century, must be solved as soon as possible and the status quo must be terminated. An urgent solution for the problem is necessary for the Turkish Cypriots who are facing the threat of extinction as a result of the transfer of population, the planned alteration of the demographic structure and the colonialization policies implemented by Turkey.  It is also necessary for the Greek Cypriots who live in uncertainty and for the peaceful future of Cyprus and our region as well.

In this context, our main objective is to ensure again the whole of the Cypriot people, Greek Cypriots, Turkish Cypriots, Armenians, Maronites and Latins will live together again in an independent, sovereign, united and federal Cyprus, free of all foreign troops and bases.

The negotiations between the leaders must resume as soon as possible and without being downgraded on the basis of the Guterres Framework, from the point where they had remained at Crans Montana and with respect to the issues agreed on to date.

The solution that will found, must be based on bi-zonal, bi-communal federation with a single sovereignty, single citizenship, a single international personality and political equality as it is defined in the relevant UN Security Council resolutions. The solution must respect the fundamental human rights and freedoms of all Cypriots, reject the guarantees of any foreign country, and lead Cyprus to full independence.

The tension which is continuing in the Eastern Mediterranean lately must come to an end. The efforts to militarize the Eastern Mediterranean that are being made headed by the United States must be terminated. The brutality and bloodshed which has been provoked by US imperialism in our region within the framework of the “Plan for a Greater Middle East” and in this context the role that imperialism has assigned to Cyprus, Turkey and the countries of the region can never be accepted.

We once again stress our internationalist solidarity with the peoples of the region against the imperialist attacks and interventions which have increased recently.

We call on all the local and international progressive and left forces throughout the world in a common struggle to achieve a solution to the Cyprus problem based on the common will of Cypriots and in compliance with the international law, the resolutions of the UN and the High-Level Agreements.


Progressive Party of Working People (AKEL), Left Movement, Workers Party of Turkey (TİP).


19 November 2019.


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