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The government needs to act to prevent fait accompli and not us to be mourning over new ones

Statement by AKEL C.C. Spokesperson Stefanos Stefanou on developments surrounding the issue of Famagusta

AKEL 17 September 2019, Nicosia

The developments on Famagusta and the actions being initiated for the colonization of the enclosed city are justifiably generating indignation among the lawful inhabitants of Famagusta, but also among the Cypriot people as a whole. In general, the situation surrounding the Cyprus problem must provoke deep reflection and concern.

As far as the issue of Famagusta is concerned, the government needs to take action for fait accompli to be prevented fait accompli and not us to be mourning over new ones. We have a powerful weapon in our hands, that is to say, the two Resolutions approved by the UN Security Council, Resolutions 550 and 789, which for decades have constituted the diplomatic and political protective shield of Famagusta. However, before any action is decided, it is imperative that government officials come to an understanding with each other on what is really happening and being planned in Famagusta. The government’s double talk hasn’t been terminated. Secondly, a serious study and preparation must be done before any action that will be decided so that it should yield a positive result and strengthen our positions. Towards this end, we expect to be briefed by the government in relation to what actions it is considering.

However the most important thing of all, is to achieve the resumption of substantive negotiations on the basis of the agreed framework. This is what can effectively deter the Turkish actions aiming at the colonization of the enclosed city of Famagusta and the intensification of Turkey’s aggression in the Exclusive Economic Zone of the Republic of Cyprus. This is what can pave the way for a solution of the Cyprus problem based on principles, provided that the occupying power consents to a solution that will liberate and reunite Cyprus.


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