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On the Anastasiades-Ozersay meeting

Statement by the General Secretary of the C.C. of AKEL A. Kyprianou

AKEL C.C. Press Office, 19 June 2019, Nicosia

Regarding the meeting between Mr. Anastasiades and Mr. Ozersay (Note: the so-called “Foreign Minister” of the illegal regime in the occupied areas), which regrettably had come to light on the part of Mr. Anastasiades only when it was leaked on the Turkish Cypriot side. Previously, Mr. Anastasiades had not said anything at all. This raises additional questions because he tried to conceal this meeting, which Mr. Anastasiades had with Mr. Ozersay.

This meeting took place during a period of Turkish aggression reaching a peak, and when Mr. Anastasiades was being portrayed as standing firm, unyielding and ready to clash with Mr. Erdogan and Turkey on the whole matter. The fact that during that stage Mr. Anastasiades chose to meet Ankara’s man therefore raises numerous questions. We all know that Mr. Ozersay is Turkey’s man.

Why, then, at the same time as this fierce confrontation existed with Mr. Erdogan, did Mr. Anastasiades choose to see Mr. Ozersay? And let him not say that it was just a social meeting, because we know that numerous political issues are discussed in such meetings.

The third question that arises is the following: The so-called “government”, in which Ozersay participates, namely the so-called “government” of Mr. Ersin Tatar, has a two-state solution as its official policy with regards the solution of the Cyprus problem. Mr. Ozersay has repeatedly supported this position.

We therefore wonder, what Mr. Anastasiades discussed with Mr. Ozersay?

Why did he choose to meet, socially, with a Turkish Cypriot politician who participates in a so-called “government”, which has a two-state solution as its official position on the solution of the Cyprus problem?

There are many questions that arise, which if we connect them with everything that has been heard lately about Mr. Anastasiades’ courting with a two-state solution, can only increase our serious concerns about where the Cyprus problem is finally going.

If Mr. Anastasiades really wanted to give an impetus to the efforts towards a solution to the Cyprus problem, then he ought to be meeting with Mr. Akinci who is a politician who, despite pressures being exerted on him from Turkey, continues to insist that Cyprus should be reunited on the agreed basis of a solution, that is to say on the basis of Bi-zonal, Bi-communal Federation. Instead, he chose to have a social meeting with Mr. Ozersay.

I repeat, therefore, that there are many questions. Mr. Anastasiades has an obligation to respond, not to us, but to the Cypriot people and not to hide behind the excuse that “I have the right to meet whomever I want.” He is the President of the Republic of Cyprus. He has an obligation to be accountable to the Cypriot people for what he is trying to promote. Our own concerns are growing because, unfortunately, we see that after his flirt with the two state solution, we are now also seeing a flirt with political figures who promote this solution to the Turkish Cypriot community. For that reason, Mr. Anastasiades must give a reply and indeed reply in a convincing manner.


Without a solution, Turkey is being facilitated in the promotion of its goal of partition


AKEL will never accept the definitive partition being attempted on the ground