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Greek junta coup anniversary reminder of the task of waging struggle against fascism and nationalism-chauvinism

AKEL C.C. Press Office, 21 April 2019, Nicosia

21st April 1967 is a black day in the modern history of Greece. The military junta coup d’état of 21st April 1967, which imposed a brutal seven-year dictatorship on the country that gave birth to democracy, was the beginning of great suffering for the Greek people and led Cyprus to a catastrophe in the summer of 1974.

The Greek junta, acting as a puppet of its NATO bosses, organized and executed, together with EOKA B, the fascist coup d’état of 15th July 1974. As a consequence the ideal pretext was given to Turkey to invade Cyprus. The role of the Greek junta in the double crime committed against Cyprus is demonstrated by the Finding of the “Cyprus File” commissioned by the House of Representatives. NATO’s guidance towards the Athens junta, the militarists of Ankara and EOKA B is recorded as a historical fact.

The fall of the Athens junta unfortunately happened at a price, that is to say the destruction of Cyprus. The open wounds that were caused by the coup d’état of 21 April will only heal definitively when Cyprus is relieved of the Turkish occupation and is reunified.

The anniversary of the coup d’état of 21st April is a reminder of the task of waging struggle against fascism and nationalism-chauvinism.

AKEL denounces the junta coup d’état and fascism coup, paying tribute to those who resisted the junta both in Greece and Cyprus.


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