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Statements by AKEL-Left-New Forces Parliament Representative Yiorgos Loucaides on topical issues

AKEL C.C. Press Office, 14 April 2019, Nicosia

On DISY President’s proposal for the self-dissolution of parliament:

This proposal made by DISY President Mr. Neophytou lacks seriousness. This is yet another political theatrical game. At the same time as the House of Representatives was approving – with the exception of DISY and ultra-right ELAM – a resounding resolution attributing grave responsibilities on the government and the Minister of Finance, the President of DISY called for the self-dissolution of parliament, instead of calling for the resignation of the government or the Minister of Finance, in a way reminiscent more of communication games than anything else. These are actions that damage the country’s political life, and what I do want to stress is that Mr. Neophytou has a choice: to call on his government to resign and then to enter into a dialogue.

On the President of the Republic’s statements:

Regarding the President of the Republic’s defamatory references about “borrowed” votes of Turkish Cypriots, what we have to say is that the President must stop demonizing the participation of Turkish Cypriots in the European Elections. Unfortunately, Mr. Anastasiades is moving with steadfast steps to present himself as a community leader rather than as President of the Republic. And we would say that, without a doubt, certain forces and circles people are putting not only the petty-party interests, but also themselves over and above the interests of the country and the people.


We won’t follow the President in the tension he is seeking to provoke


The President of the Republic is denigrating the Turkish Cypriots