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Anastasiades is acting dangerously

Statement by AKEL Political Bureau member Aristos Damianou

AKEL C.C. Press Office, 24 February 2019, Nicosia

For some time now, AKEL has been warning and denouncing that Mr. Anastasiades is flirting with solutions other than bi-communal, bizonal federation. As it is known Government Spokesman Prodromou said in an interview with RIK that it is a fact that the President of the Republic when discussing with leaders of states and diplomats is telling them that Turkey wants a two-state solution, asking them what their view is?

Today, the Government Spokesman stated to “Phileleftheros” newspaper that “the President […] feels the burden and it would be irresponsible of him not to reflect on what will happen if Turkey were to again provoke a stalemate, in essence refusing a solution (federation) as set out by the UN”. Replying to the journalist’s question as to whether a deadlock means “a change of course” and a “change in the basis of the solution”, Mr. Prodromou said: “It doesn’t mean that we can at present give answers to the questions you have posed.”

The following questions arise:

  1. Why should Turkey negotiate a solution of Federation, given that it knows in advance that Mr. Anastasiades is reflecting on other solutions if Turkey itself provokes a deadlock? This indeed is an invitation for Turkey to provoke a deadlock.
  2. Why did Mr. Prodromou leave the issue of a change in the basis (of the solution) open instead of categorically rejecting the journalist’s very clear question?
  3. Why at this critical moment when Mrs. Lute on behalf of the UN Secretary-General is trying to reach a conclusion on the terms of reference and resumption of talks from where they had remained at Crans Montana and 48 hours before his meeting with Mr. Akinci, is Anastasiades continuing to confuse the impression as to what he really is seeking on the Cyprus problem?

For AKEL, it is clear that Mr. Anastasiades is acting dangerously. When as a Greek Cypriot community the message is being conveyed that if the effort to achieve a Federal solution to liberate and reunify our homeland and people breaks down, the Greek Cypriot side is willing to discuss either confederation or a two states solution, then this won’t simply be about dangerous policies, but policies amounting to treachery.


Anastasiades must proceed without regressions


Statement by the General Secretary of AKEL A. Kyprianou with regards the Opinion of the International Court of Justice in The Hague on the case of Mauritius