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The presidential chair has proved to be more important for Anastasiades than Cyprus

Statements by AKEL General Secretary A.Kyprianou on “Astra” radio

31 May 2018

gs pplPresident Anastasiades, as a result of the tactics he is pursuing, is the one serving Turkey’s goals and facilitating it to promote its positions on the Cyprus issue, AKEL’s General Secretary stated.

Speaking to “Astra” radio station in the morning, Andros Kyprianou criticized the President of the Republic, stressing that because what AKEL is saying doesn’t suit him, he is trying to undermine the Party by claiming things that are not valid.

The General Secretary of AKEL added that Nicos Anastasiades proved that the presidential chair is more important than Cyprus and underlined that AKEL does not accept any lessons on patriotism, given that it has each time proved to be correct on the Cyprus problem.

He also said that Mr. Anastasiades is provocative when asking AKEL if it accepts guarantees, when he himself was the only one to accept them in 2004, while the first to raise the issue of guarantees was Demetris Christofias.

The General Secretary of AKEL criticized the President of the Republic that he is interested in his communication image, thus sacrificing the substance.

He stressed that Turkey is demanding a two-state solution at the same time as there aren’t any reactions on the part of the international community, except by the Ambassadors of France and Russia in Nicosia, but not however as a result of any initiative undertaken by the President.

Mr. Kyprianou noted that everyone is aware of the Turkish intransigence, but the point is how through our actions it will remain exposed or be forced to change its stand on the Cyprus problem.

The General Secretary of AKEL reiterated that the President had sent a letter to the UN Secretary General on July 17th telling him that he was ready to discuss the 30th June framework. Mr. Kyprianou wondered where the President discovered the document of 4th July.

The General Secretary of AKEL underlined that the discussion must continue from where it had remained at Crans Montana on the basis of the UN Secretary-General Guterres framework and for the two leaders to convince the Secretary-General that they have the will to reach the very end.

He added that Mr. Akinci has also been going around in circles for some time, but he is reacting to the pressure exerted by Turkey for a two-state solution which is why he is calling for talks on the basis of the Guterres framework.


AKEL Political Bureau on the extremely worrying situation surrounding the Cyprus problem


“Guterres is referring to the 30th June document”