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The President is responsible for Turkey’s exoneration and not those criticizing his handlings

Statement by Yiorgos Loucaides, AKEL Political Bureau member and AKEL-Left-New Forces Parliamentary Representative

AKEL C.C. Press Office, 28 April 2018, Nicosia

President Anastasiades accused “certain forces” of giving an alibi to Turkey because they criticize his handlings on the Cyprus problem. The truth about who is responsible for the fact that Turkey has not being assigned any responsibilities, and even worse about the praise made of Turkey’s stand on the Cyprus problem, is graphically highlighted in the UN Secretary General’s report, as well as in the recent statements made by EU High Representative F. Mogherini, who considers that Turkey worked intensely with the EU for the solution of the Cyprus issue.

Consequently, besides being morally unacceptable, Mr. Anastasiades’ attempt to shift the grave responsibilities for this tragic and full of dangers for our country development elsewhere is doomed to failure. Whatever the case may be, with unsubstantiated accusations of this kind there is no way Mr. Anastasiades will silence the Left, nor prevent it from telling the truth to the people.


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