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The consequences of a deadlock on the Cyprus problem are incomprehensible

27 April 2018,”ASTRA” Radio station

If the situation on the Cyprus problem is allowed to drag on in a protracted stalemate, a great number of problems will be created with incalculable consequences to the detriment of the Cypriot people, the General Secretary of the C.C. of Andros Kyprianou noted speaking to “Astra” radio station.

The General Secretary of AKEL stressed the importance of intervening and not letting matters lead us to developments that we won’t be able to reverse. Turkey’s stance and its priorities are given, as well as the Turkish Cypriot side’s positions, Mr. Kyprianou stated, pointing out that the issue is no longer to follow events but to manage to lead developments to get closer to the goal we have set.

The General Secretary of AKEL also said that during yesterday’s meeting with the President, he outlined AKEL’s positions to Mr. Anastasiades. Andros Kyprianou was briefed by the President about what was said at the recent dinner with the Turkish Cypriot leader Mr. Akinci. He reiterated that they have different positions with the President on what happened at Crans Montana.

What should to be done, he underlined, is that the President must convey to the UN Secretary-General that the Greek Cypriot side agrees to continue the dialogue from the point where it had stopped at Crans Montana without setting any preconditions.

Replying to a comment made by the government spokesman, Mr. Kyprianou said that AKEL does not accept any lessons from anyone about the abolition of the Treaty of Guarantee, recalling that the first President of the Republic to raise the specific issue was President Christofias.


AKEL calls on President Anastasiades to take initiatives on the Cyprus problem


The President is responsible for Turkey's exoneration and not those criticizing his handlings