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Speech of the General Secretary of the C.C. of AKEL A.Kyprianou at the mass meeting in Memory and Honor of the two Martyrs and Heroes Kavazoglou and Misiaoulis

Dali Municipality, Nicosia district

AKEL C.C. Press Office, 31st March 2018, Nicosia

“Cyprus is at a turning point. Either we will draw lessons from the past and unify Cyprus through a federal solution, or partition will be consolidated and the day will come when the island through double enosis will be annexed to Turkey and Greece.

Since 1974 there has been a specific process developing in the north of Cyprus. This is a procedure of inactivating the Turkish Cypriot community’s characteristics as a political existence. An effort is underway by every means to impose on us to forget the Cypriotness of the community with the aim of eradicating the Cypriot character of north Cyprus. A population was even transported and is still transported from abroad. The economic policies that are being transferred from Turkey are provoking the collapse of the community and the destruction of our communal values. The existence of an entire community is being murdered, an entire community’s identity is also being murdered.

As the progressive people of this land, as revolutionaries, as democrats, in short, as the patriots of this country, will we remain indifferent by consenting to our homeland belonging to someone else or we will say, “This country is ours” and we will defend it? Our community today is facing the dilemma of “existence or disappearance.” Facing this dilemma, no young person can be thinking “I’m leaving to save myself”.

These are the words of our comrade Ozger Ozgur in 1989. What he said back then applies to today as well. His every word and message is relevant in today’s era.

Turkey’s long-standing policy of assimilating the Turkish Cypriot community and its timeless goal of partitioning Cyprus is being confirmed. It reminds us that the existence of the so-called “Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus” represents Turkey’s long arm inside our island. It threatens both Greek Cypriots and Turkish Cypriots.

The Turkish occupation is a source of permanent instability for Cyprus, the Cypriot people and the wider region. The colonization (of the occupied areas) threatens the future of both Greek Cypriots and Turkish Cypriots. Turkey is promoting the economic integration of the occupied territories through funding in numerous areas. It seeks to constantly interfere in the occupied areas and is attempting to use religion as an instrument of exercising greater control over society. It is continuing the military control of the Turkish Cypriot community.

The progressive forces of the Turkish Cypriots are resisting Turkey, but we mustn’t harbor any illusions. A small community cannot resist the might of Turkey forever, the same country where Erdogan is becoming more provocative and aggressive than ever; a Turkey that is threatening everyone with death, while calling on the people of Turkey to be ready to die. All this in order to achieve the goal of achieving a greater Turkey.

All these developments and actions are realities which if the Greek Cypriot Right and extreme right-wing do not comprehend by now, they will damage Cyprus for the second time – this time irretrievably.

History will judge Mr. Anastasiades very strictly, not only because he cultivated excessive expectations among our people for the solution of the Cyprus problem, but also because at the critical moment he destroyed the hope for reunification. Moreover, let them not tell us about Turkish intransigence again.

It is accepted by all that the responsibility for the non-solution of the Cyprus problem lies with Turkey. We all agree that Turkey has never been more provocative and aggressive than today. This demands precisely from us to assert a solution that will liberate us from the occupation and the possibility of Turkey’s intervention in our own internal affairs. The implementation of this goal is difficult.

But what is the alternative?

The perpetuation of the existing state of affairs will gradually lead to the finalization of partition, which would mean the permanent presence of Turkey in Cyprus and would represent a permanent threat to peace in our country and its future. We know the Turkish responsibilities. We denounce and deplore them.

The question is – what do we do?

Mr. Anastasiades and DISY can’t hide their fearfulness, indecision, inconsistency and regressions behind Turkish intransigence if they genuinely care about the future of Cyprus.

All that Mr. Anastasiades claims after the deadlock in Crans Montana, all that has occurred with the crisis in the Exclusive Economic Zone (EEZ) of the Republic of Cyprus and the Turkish provocations do permit us to hope that the talks will resume soon unless the given situation changes. Only if Mr. Anastasiades comprehends the dangers before us and undertakes the necessary initiatives can we hope to breach the deadlocks.

Unfortunately, it is evident that the President of the Republic has no clear direction. He does not appear to adopt a clear position and to be committed with consistency to the Guterres framework. Unfortunately, Mr. Anastasiades seems to be looking in other directions, doing away with another framework. It is a fact that if the NAVTEX isn’t revoked, if the Turkish provocations don’t stop then there can be no developments.

But how prepared are we for the next steps?

Mr. Anastasiades mustn’t forget that the cost of the contradictions and regressions are paid every time at the negotiating table. It’s enough to remind him that in 2013 so long as he was refusing to adopt all that Christofias had achieved, Turkey was intensifying its aggression and provocations, culminating in the roaming of the Turkish vessel “Barbaros” on our southern shores. We will not tire in repeating that in 2011 Turkey also tried to intervene in our energy plans. The policy pursued by D. Christofias back then didn’t leave Turkey any room (to intervene). It prompted the entire international community to react, subsequently forcing the Turkish ships to remain stuck in their ports.

In contrast to the situation today where Mr. Anastasiades, with his contradictions and regressions, has not only permitted Turkey to be provocative and aggressive, but also left us without any substantial backing from the international community.

We must at long last draw the correct conclusions from all that has happened and return to a correct and consistent political line of defending the interests of Cyprus and the Cypriot people as a whole. The de-escalation of the tension caused by Turkey with its pirate behaviour must be the top priority. The subsequent goal must be the resumption of the negotiations on the Cyprus problem, as called for by the UN Secretary-General. This is the only way we will manage to gain the support of the international community. That is the only way we can corner and put Turkish aggressiveness in a tight spot.

Developments unfortunately are vindicating our position and perseverance in calling on Mr. Anastasiades to base his efforts on the agreed framework and convergences that were achieved.

On its part, the Turkish Cypriot leadership must also rise to the occasion and insist on all that has been agreed. If its goal is the solution of the Cyprus problem, and not the indirect upgrading of the illegal pseudo-state, then that is what it must do. If everyone’s goal is peace and reunification, then all our energies should be focused towards this end. Threats and provocations simply serve Turkey’s expansionism and domestic nationalism on both sides of the barbed wire.

Will we as a result draw lessons from the past?

Will we be able to reunite Cyprus with a bi-zonal, bicommunal federal solution, or will we eventually end up with partition?

Every day that goes by with the Cyprus problem remaining unsolved, Turkey’s goal – namely partition – is being fulfilled. Rauf Denktash’s goal was partition.

Every day that goes by with the Cyprus problem remaining unsolved, the goal of imperialism, which ordered the execution of the twin crime committed in 1974, is being fulfilled.

Each day that goes by with the Cyprus problem still unsolved, vindicates all of those forces and circles in both communities that poisoned and are still poisoning our people with nationalism and chauvinism.

Each day that goes by the consequences of the invasion and occupation are being consolidated.

AKEL will persist in struggling for the solution of the Cyprus problem.

It will keep on struggling for a solution that will end the occupation and colonialization (of the occupied areas) and be based on United Nations Resolutions, the High-Level Agreements, International and European Law.

For a solution that will demilitarize Cyprus and exclude interventions and guarantees from foreign powers.

For a solution that will reunite the country, the people, the institutions and the economy.

For a bi-communal, bizonal federal solution with political equality as described in the United Nations texts.

For a solution that will lead to a united state with a single sovereignty, a single international personality and a single citizenship.

We have assembled here today to pay tribute to two of our comrades who, with their lives but also their death, shouted at imperialism and nationalism “Hands off Cyprus!”, “Cyprus belongs to its people!” Today we are here to commemorate the memory and sacrifice of Dervis Ali Kavazoglou and Costas Misaoulis.

We have gathered here again to swear that in that final embrace drowned in blood nothing can stop peace in Cyprus! Today we are here again to declare that Cyprus can and must be saved, just as Kavazoglou and Misaoulis stood up courageously against nationalism and chauvinism.

The assassins of the Turkish Cypriot nationalist organization TMT may have believed that their last embrace would personify the epitome of the struggle, but they were wrong. That last bloody embrace became the banner of the struggle of Greek Cypriots and Turkish Cypriots. It became the banner that is held high in every protest march by the people joining their hands to raise their voice asserting that Cyprus is our common homeland; that our struggle is common; that we are fighting against imperialism which was undermining and is still undermining our country’s independence, integrity and sovereignty; that our future belongs to us!

Fifty three years after their cowardly murder, Misaoulis and Kavazoglou remain the symbol of the struggle of our people, Greek Cypriots and Turkish Cypriots.

For AKEL, the progressive Turkish Cypriot movement is our natural ally in this struggle. The Turkish Cypriot’s anxiety for survival, peace and reunification is our own anxiety as well because we were and are the voice that is struggling for all of Cyprus. For us the cause of Cyprus problem is not a communal affair. Greek Cypriots and Turkish Cypriots will eradicate once and for all everything that threatens their survival only when we manage to live together within the framework of a federation; only when we begin to lay the foundations of a common life, common social and political struggle. That is why we have always approached federation not as a podium signifying Greek Cypriot power, but instead as a field of creative cooperation of equal partners and compatriots. This of course doesn’t mean that the historical relations of the two communities with Greece and Turkey are deleted. It means, however, that our people, all Cypriots, can manage their future without any “guardians”; that Greek Cypriots and Turkish Cypriots will at long last have been emancipated and will be able to work together for their common future.

No matter how many words we may say, no matter how many speeches may be written, whatever arguments may be put forward, they all lead to the dilemma that Ozger Ozgur had set before us; the dilemma that life itself puts before us. Everything concludes in the path of struggle that the sacrifice of Kavazoglou and Misiaoulis shows us, our very history and past, but also our future. Everything ends in the dilemma: Will we remain indifferent by consenting to our homeland belonging to someone else or we will say, “This country is ours” and will we defend it?”

All of us and so many others, a large section of Greek Cypriots and Turkish Cypriots who want this country to be reunited, who want to live in peace and to move forward reply without any hesitation at all:

This country is ours!

We do not hand it over to anyone!

This country belongs to us! And we will reunite it!

Long live Cyprus!

Yasasin Kibris!


Anastasiades government glaring silence on Minister’s ELAM offices visit and statements


AKEL Bulletin - April 2018