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AKEL on Turkey’s provocations against the Republic of Cyprus

Statement by Stefanos Stefanou, AKEL C.C. Spokesperson

AKEL C.C. Press Office, 22nd February 2018, Nicosia

There is no doubt at all that Turkey is provoking the tension in the area of ​​the Exclusive Economic Zone (EEZ) of the Republic of Cyprus with its provocative actions that violate both conventional and customary Law of the Sea.

There is also no doubt whatsoever that it constitutes a sovereign right of the Republic of Cyprus to continue its efforts to explore and exploit the natural wealth in our country’s EEZ.

Despite the indignation and anger generated by Turkey’s provocative actions, we believe that the situation cannot be tackled with pompous actions and positions. Not only will these not deliver the sought results, that is to say to defuse the tension, but they will burden and complicate the situation. Our efforts to address the situation must remain at the political and diplomatic levels.

The Republic of Cyprus’ exploratory program must continue fully aware, however, that so long as the Cyprus problem remains unresolved – and indeed without Turkish intransigence being apportioned any responsibility – we will continually find obstacles before us and the escalation of the provocations on the part of Turkey.

It is evident that the developments are also related to the stagnation on the Cyprus problem. Consequently, we should focus on the efforts to resume the negotiations, given of course that the crisis is defused.

We recall that the negotiation, according to the UN Secretary-General, will not start from scratch, but from the point where it had been suspended by preserving the negotiation’s body of work. This body includes the abolition of the guarantees and rights of intervention and sets out only an advisory role to the guarantor powers. The negotiation’s body of work also includes the Christofias-Talat convergence that are related to the hydrocarbons issue and which convincingly reply to all the Turkish side’s malicious claims.

We call on our Turkish Cypriot compatriots to abandon any positions arguing for so-called interim arrangements and to focus together on the efforts to solve the Cyprus problem. The solution to the Cyprus problem is the most effective way for us together to enjoy the benefits that can emerge from the utilization of hydrocarbons.


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