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AKEL: Turkey is aiming to cancel the Republic of Cyprus’ energy program

21st February 2018, “Astra” radio station

Christos Christophides, member of the Political Bureau of AKEL, characterized the developments surrounding the Exclusive Economic Zone of the Republic of Cyprus as extremely negative, noting that Turkey is aiming at canceling the energy program of the Republic of Cyprus.

Today’s meeting of the Council of Political Leaders, Christos Christophides told “Astra” radio station, is proof that all these days not everything was done that should have been done by the government, such as asking for the opinions of the political parties and taking joint decisions.

Christos Christophides said that the only weapon at the disposal of the Republic of Cyprus is the international community, noting that unfortunately the reactions of both the international community, but also of the European Union as well, range from lukewarm to nonexistent.

What must be the subject of reflection, he underlined, is the stand of the UN.

The member of the Political Bureau of AKEL recalled that, unlike today, the correct handlings made during the Demetris Christofias government provoked the reaction of the international community when Turkey was threatening even with an intervention if the first drilling of natural gas were to proceed.

The first reaction to Turkey’s pirate actions, he added, is the de-escalation of tension with the involvement of the international community. The most important factor in the de-escalation of tensions, he pointed out, is the overall solution of the Cyprus problem.


The crisis must be defused immediately and the negotiation for a solution of the Cyprus problem should continue from the point where it had left off


AKEL General Secretary: What we are experiencing is a sample of what will follow with the Cyprus problem unresolved