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The most effective way to exploit the hydrocarbons is through the solution of the Cyprus problem

AKEL C.C. Press Office, 13th February 2018, Nicosia

Turkish provocativeness in the Exclusive Economic Zone of the Republic of Cyprus has now gone beyond all previous incidents. Turkey is once again proceeding to make moves that constitute a flagrant violation of the sovereign rights of the Republic of Cyprus and, in particular, of conventional and customary law of the sea.

Such actions have repercussions not only on the sovereign rights of the Republic of Cyprus, but also concern and affect the broader energy planning in the Eastern Mediterranean in a totally negative way. The international community must undertake practical initiatives so that Turkey isn’t allowed to play the role of a modern pirate in our wider region – by attempting illegally and through force to chart its own energy map.

The duty of the government and all political forces is to undertake every possible diplomatic initiative to exert all the necessary pressure on Turkey to end its provocative actions. AKEL has already proceeded to take such initiatives, with of course the declared goal of the unhindered continuation of the Cyprus Republic’s drilling program, which began during the government of Demetris Christofias.

We have always considered and continue to argue that the most effective way to exploit the hydrocarbons is through the solution of the Cyprus problem. The relevant convergences agreed in 2010 to which the UN Secretary-General refers to in his latest report must be safeguarded because they ensure a single sovereignty and a single international personality. Furthermore, at the same time, they comprehensively resolve the issue of natural gas with the overall solution of the Cyprus problem.


Erdogan’s statements an escalation of Turkey's provocativeness and a threat to peace in the region


The crisis must be defused immediately and the negotiation for a solution of the Cyprus problem should continue from the point where it had left off