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Speech by the General Secretary of the C.C. of AKEL A. Kyprianou at the meeting to denounce the anniversary of the declaration of the illegal pseudo-state in the occupied areas

15th November 2017

For yet another year, we have gathered here to declare in the strongest terms that nothing can prevent peace in Cyprus; that our homeland will have a future only when it will be united, federal, independent, sovereign and demilitarized.

The first part of imperialism’s crime against our people was committed in July 1974. The betrayal of the coup d’état and the crime of the Turkish invasion was followed by the proclamation of the illegal pseudo-state in 1983. The mission of the “incorporation” of the occupied part of Cyprus in Turkey was assigned to Ankara’s then favourite Rauf Denktash. Denktash had long been preparing the culmination of secessionist actions. Using the stagnation on the Cyprus problem as a justification, he suppressed every progressive voice of resistance within the Turkish Cypriot community. He eliminated any force that could resist his plans. In full co-ordination with the military establishment, he launched the birth of the so-called “Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus”.

Although since the beginning of 1983 the UN General Assembly had adopted a Resolution calling for the withdrawal of all occupying troops and proclaiming the full sovereignty of the Republic of Cyprus, Ankara proceeded to execute its goals, provocatively ignoring the calls of the international organization. A few days before 15th November 1983 the occupation forces cut off all communications in the occupied areas. As soon as Denktash received the relevant order from Ankara, he proceeded to proclaim the so-called “independence” on the evening of November 14th.

As AKEL we reacted immediately to the secessionist action of the Turkish establishment and called on the Cypriot people to forge a patriotic unity of action. We considered that this secessionist action was quite clear about its goals. It aimed at the final partition of Cyprus and the promotion of the line of double Enosis that would transform our homeland into a base of American-NATO imperialism.

The proclamation of the pseudo-state was roundly denounced by the international community. The UN called for its revocation and on its members not to recognize the occupation. The fact that Turkey’s secessionist action didn’t gain any support among the international community is due to the determined stand of the Cypriot people and its leadership, but also to the international solidarity, first and foremost, expressed by the socialist community and the Non-Aligned Movement. The UN Security Council Resolutions, condemning the illegal pseudo-state and calling on all states in the world not to recognize another state on the island apart from the Republic of Cyprus have constituted, and still are to this day, our statehood’s most important shield of protection. Unfortunately, some are undermining this statehood with the force of arms, while others have lately and hypocritically declared their love for the Republic of Cyprus.

Despite the fact that just Turkey recognized this illegal regime, it was evident that we faced yet another obstacle before us on the path to the solution of the Cyprus problem. Since 1983, the de facto existence of the pseudo-state and its efforts aiming at its international upgrading are undermining and complicating incredibly the struggle for a peaceful solution to the Cyprus problem and the reunification of our homeland.

We must say that the partitionist action of proclaiming the pseudo-state was not accepted by progressive Turkish Cypriots. However, the pressure exerted by Denktash and the Turkish military junta generals, as well as the passing of time, have “addicted” some Turkish Cypriots to the structures of the illegal regime. Nevertheless, one cannot fail but notice that the relationship of Turkish Cypriots with the pseudo-state and Turkey is constantly being questioned by progressive Turkish Cypriots. AKEL consistently insists in extending its hand to all these forces and is struggling with them, undertaking numerous initiatives to strengthen the voice of the Cypriot people who is demanding peace and reunification.

In opposing the rationale of the policy of “protaxis” (Note: the policy of setting “preconditions” that predetermine the results of negotiations) which Mr. Anastasiades is promoting, and the dangerous absurdities of Mr. Papadopoulos’ supposed “new strategy”, we project our dedication towards a solution of the Cyprus problem based on the long-standing positions of the National Council. We insist on a continuation of the negotiations from the point they had left off in Crans Montana. The basis must be the framework of the UN Secretary-General, while the informal document with regards the implementation mechanism of the solution needs to be utilized. This must be sought immediately after the Presidential elections. The current prevailing situation is dangerous for the prospect of a solution. Turkey is pursuing increasingly stronger policies for the assimilation of the occupied areas. Turkey is promoting their economic integration through financing and funding and not just in the construction and tourism sectors. It is seeking a strong intervention in the occupied areas and attempting to use religion as a means of exercising greater control in society. It militarily controls the Turkish Cypriot community, while its recent announcements are aiming at deepening the fait accompli even more. Furthermore, it must also be pointed out that Turkey is lurking to promote Plan B, which if implemented we bring us closed to partition.

Do we understand how vulnerable the resistance of a small community is to a power such as Turkey?

Do we comprehend that a peculiar type of Turkish-Cypriot nationalism is developing within the Turkish Cypriot community, which distances itself from both Turkey and the Greek Cypriot community?

So long as the Cyprus problem remains unresolved, the reactionary voices will grow stronger, while the position of the progressive Turkish Cypriot forces who are seeking a solution based on the agreed framework, will continually grow weaker.

So long as the Cyprus problem remains unsolved, time will consolidate the fait accompli, raising new barriers to the efforts to reach a solution. Consequently, there is no room for any experiments with failed recipes. Nor should we allow once more personal ambitions to be put over and above Cyprus and our people.

It is clear that there will be no talks before the Presidential Elections. It is also more than clear that the future course of the Cyprus problem will depend on who the next President will be.

Mr. Anastasiades has completed his circle as President; a President who undertook to manage the Cyprus problem by cultivating huge expectations and yielding minimal results. As soon as he began his official election campaign, he returned to his old bad self: indulging in a Grivas discourse, exploiting nationalist sentiments, projecting the policy of “protaxis” and empty pompous sloganeering to convince the ultra-right party of his own party to vote for him again. It’s now difficult for any logical person to be able to trust him.

Mr. Papadopoulos, seemingly a young politician brings with him the most tested and failed strategy: solving the Cyprus problem even before we discuss it, purchasing arms, taking Republic of Cyprus passports away from Turkish Cypriots and many other policies. And then what? Who will subsequently stand on our side if we pursue these policies?

In short, neither of them dares to even name the solution they will seek to discuss. Neither of them seems to have a plan and tactics on how to achieve our longstanding strategic goals.

Facing them is Stavros Malas, a candidacy with positions, a specific plan for what needs to be done, and above all with a vision for a reunified and peaceful Cyprus.

Confronting them is the logic of consistency to our goal of a federal solution and negotiations based on principles; a person ready to build the perspective of peace, and not to kill any hope, continuing the negotiations from the point they had left off in Crans Montana, with the method of packaging and discussing the core outstanding issues as defined by the UN Secretary-General. Of course, the Turkish side must also demonstrate the same consistency, refraining from any actions and statements that poison even more the already tense climate. Of course, Turkey still has the enormous responsibility to remain within the framework set out by the UN Secretary-General, and in particular as regards his position for the abolition of the guarantees and intervention rights from the first day of the solution.

Is there a way out of the quagmire that Mr. Anastasiades has led us?

We say there is. And we should all, together, pave the way for the election to the Presidency of a person who wants and can reunite Cyprus. That person is Stavros Mala. A person who wants and can make the reunited and federal Cyprus a lighthouse and example for the whole world; a modern model of harmonious coexistence of two communities of different nationality, language and religion co-managing their common state. A country that will have managed to rid itself of the armies and channel all its powers and resources towards social investment and economic growth.

This is the Cyprus we dream of building together with our Turkish Cypriot compatriots.

This is the tomorrow that unites us all.

This is our own struggle.

Be sure that we shall win this struggle!


AKEL on the anniversary of the declaration of the illegal regime


Let the heroic Polytechnic uprising and its ideals be a source of inspiration for the Cypriot people too