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Anastasiades and his election team continue to distort the truth

Statement by Yiorgos Loucaides, AKEL-Left-New Forces Parliamentary Spokesperson and AKEL Political Bureau member

AKEL C.C. Press Office, 17th October 2017, Nicosia

Mr. Anastasiades and his election campaign team continue to crudely distort the truth, to contradict themselves and to not have the courage to assume responsibility for their own actions. Playing games with citizen’s intelligence yesterday, while Mr. Papadopoulos denied everything in relation to the references made by the former Governor of the Central Bank on the haircut on bank deposits, leading DISY official Makis Sophocleous confirmed on his part that the haircut on guaranteed deposits in all banking institutions was a proposal of Nicos Anastasiades, while DISY Press Spokesman Prodromos Prodromou said that a proposal for a haircut on bank deposits was never submitted!

Pity. A public admission of the truth and the assumption of responsibility by Mr. Anastasiades for all that citizens, in any case, already know very well about regarding the haircut issue would suffice, about everything that has been said by many others and not just by the former Governor of the Central Bank. Among them the President of the European Central Bank Mario Draghi, the former EU Commissioner for Economic and Monetary Affairs and the Euro Olli Rehn, as well as the former Attorney General Petros Clerides, who had received instructions, days before the controversial Eurogroup meeting to prepare legislation for a one-off contribution on all bank deposits, as they called the monstrosity they themselves proposed.

Whatever Anastasiades’ campaign staff may say today, the evidence of the truth is there and reveals that:

Not only was Mr. Anastasiades not caught by surprise, but he knew very well about the imminent haircut on bank deposits before going to the infamous 15th March 2013 Eurogroup meeting.

The evidence demonstrates that no pistol was put on his head, but that he himself was the one who imposed his proposal for the monstrosity of the universal haircut.

The evidence also substantiates that Mr. Anastasiades made sure to inform his family-in-laws about the imminent haircut so that they could transfer tens of millions of Euros to London not to be subject to a haircut, leaving the rest to pay the cost of his disastrous for our country handlings.


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