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AKEL responds to DISY Spokesperson’s statements

Anastasiades’ handlings allowed Turkey to leave Crans Montana without any responsibility being apportioned on it

AKEL C.C. Press Office, 18th September 2017, Nicosia

Mr. Prodromou’s quotes an extract from Greek Foreign Minister Mr. Kotzias statements in order to evoke the vindication of Mr. Anastasiades’ positions and policy. But what did Mr. Kotzias actually say? “We emphasized the need to preserve the acquis of the only UN document that has been submitted during the negotiation on the last night….Unfortunately, this text that night, apart from me and IN PART of Cyprus, was not discussed by the other sides.” Mr. Prodromou avoided making any comment on this statement for obvious reasons.

The essence is this. Mr. Anastasiades’ handling allowed Turkey to leave Crans Montana without any responsibility being apportioned on it, while its positions on guarantees, troops and rights of intervention weren’t finding a fertile ground among any interested party on the Cyprus problem. This is the reason why Mr. Anastasiades and DISY must reflect on the “feat”.


AKEL on Mr. Anastasiades’ meeting with UN Secretary-General


UN SG’s document raises fundamental and burning questions for Anastasiades to reply to