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AKEL on Mr. Anastasiades’ meeting with UN Secretary-General

Anastasiades’ continuous breach of his pledges also on the Cyprus problem have long since destroyed his credibility

Statement by Stefanos Stefanou, AKEL C.C. Spokesperson

The UN Secretary-General has first-hand knowledge of developments surrounding the Cyprus problem. He was personally involved in important stages of the negotiation on the Cyprus problem. With the failure of the Crans Montana meeting, he said that the responsibility for the continuation of the negotiations lies with the two Cypriot sides. He repeated this in several ways several times.

Instead of Mr. Anastasiades taking initiatives to break the deadlock and the stalemate, he passively follows developments. Soon he will meet with the UN Secretary-General, who, according to his Special Adviser on Cyprus, Mr. Spahar, will await to hear what the parties have to say, and no one knows what Mr. Anastasiades will convey to him. At this crucial turning point which the Cyprus problem is at, Mr. Anastasiades did not convene a meeting of the National Council, not even to discuss with the political forces.

Other than that, before the 2013 elections, Mr. Anastasiades pledged to consult with the political forces and to handle the Cyprus problem collectively. Mr. Anastasiades’ continuous breach of his pledges also on the Cyprus problem have long since destroyed his credibility.


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