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Archdiocese’s manifold interventions on education matters is now assuming a new form

AKEL on operation of schools by the Church leadership

Statement by Christos Christofides, AKEL Political Bureau member

AKEL C.C. Press Office, 10th September 2017, Nicosia

The Archdiocese’s manifold interventions in the country’s education matters is now assuming a new form with the establishment of schools that will evidently take on a religious character.

In fact in some cases, schools with a public character were handed over by the state to the Archdiocese, as it appears in the case of at least one child care centre. Furthermore, during the summer we received many denunciations by Community Welfare Councils that on the pretext of the many severe economic problems these Councils face they are coming under pressure to hand over the management of Children’s Clubs to the Archdiocese.

There are several serious questions to be raised as regards the Ministry of Education and Culture:

– Has any public school been handed over to the Archdiocese for management? For what reason and on whose decision? Doesn’t this represent a clear step towards promoting the privatization of education?

– Why doesn’t the government provide sufficient support to Children’s Clubs, as a result of which these Clubs face so many problems, while accepting “bids” to pass their management over to the Archdiocese?

– How is the legislation and secular nature of the education safeguarded as in the case of religious schools?

What kind of society do the government and ruling forces ultimately envisage for the 21st century?

These and many other essential questions should concern Cypriot society, given that this is a matter that is related to the course of education and consequently of our society too.


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