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AKEL on the alleged participation of a US ship in the Turkish NAVTEX

Statement by the member of the AKEL Press Office K.Stylianou

AKEL C.C. Press Office, 31st July 2017, Nicosia

As AKEL, we denounce the issuing of the Turkish NAVTEX within the Exclusive Economic Zone (EEZ) of the Republic of Cyprus as this, inter alia, does not contribute towards improving the climate and effort for a resumption of the talks. At the same time, if the information about the Turkish NAVTEX concerning a US military Navy ship is verified, this would represent a very worrying development. This would essentially mean that the US is taking sides in the dispute between the Republic of Cyprus and Turkey for the EEZ. We want to believe that this is not the case, and that the Cypriot government is taking all the necessary steps to shield the sovereign rights of the Republic of Cyprus. We await a relevant briefing.


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