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The President’s handlings pose dangers for the creation of new fait accompli

AKEL C.C. Press Office, 31st July 2017, Nicosia

The readiness expressed by the President of the Republic to return to the negotiating table by setting the termination of the guarantees and rights of intervention, as well as the withdrawal of the occupation troops as a precondition, refers to the policy of “protaxis” (Note: the policy of setting “preconditions” that predetermine the results of negotiations), and therefore has no chance of success whatsoever. We recall that such policies have been pursued in the past and the result always led to stalemate, the blame being apportioned on the Greek Cypriot side and the creation of new fait accompli. Indeed just recently the President of the Republic was forced to abandon the preconditions for the solution of the chapters on security and territory before accepting to discuss the remaining outstanding issues.

If the President is genuinely interested in ending the guarantees and rights of intervention, as well as the withdrawal of the occupation troops, then instead of pursuing the policy of “protaxis” he could do something much more effective. That is to say, he could make use of the support of the UN, the EU, and even Britain too towards the position for:

  • Termination of guarantees and rights of intervention from the first day of the solution.
  • Drastic reduction of the occupation troops and their full withdrawal within two years.
  • The sole issue for discussion will be whether there would be a withdrawal or review clause for the 650 troops of the TOYRDYK contingent.

The President could make use of the framework put forth by the UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres, which includes the above and which in essence does not differ from what the President of the Republic is now demanding from Turkey.

The President’s handlings pose dangers for the creation of new fait accompli and without doubt make the effort for a solution of the Cyprus problem based on principles and the agreed framework much more difficult.


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