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Message of the C.C. of AKEL TO THE C.C. of the Communist Party of Cuba on the anniversary of 26th July 1953

The Central Committee of AKEL sent the following message to the Communist Party of Cuba on the occasion of the Moncada anniversary.


Dear comrades,

The Central Committee of AKEL addresses a greeting of struggle and solidarity to the people, the Communist Party and the government of Cuba on the occasion of the 64th anniversary of the attack on the Moncada barracks. The 26th July is the starting point of the Cuban people’s anti-dictatorship struggle against the Batista regime subservient to the United States. It is the precursor of the 1959 Cuban Revolution that paved the way for independence, national sovereignty and the beginning of socialist construction on the Island of Revolution.

As Fidel had predicted, in his defense in court where he was dragged against the charges brought against him for the attack on the Moncada Barracks, History vindicated the revolutionaries who participated in the 26th July Movement, as it vindicates everyone who participated in the Cuban Revolution and all those who stand in solidarity with Cuba and its struggle today because in combating the aggression and subversion, Cuba remains the living proof that socialism is not only just and timely, but also feasible.

On this occasion, AKEL reiterates its unequivocal condemnation of the new US aggression against Cuba as announced by US President Trump. Donald Trump will soon realize – like all previous US Presidents did – that Cuba and its people do not yield and do not give up.

AKEL remains on the side of Cuba to terminate the economic, commercial and financial blockade imposed by the US, to return the territory of the illegal naval base of Guantánamo to Cuba, to end to the efforts aiming to undermine Cuba and the Revolution.

AKEL also denounces the efforts of the ruling political forces in the European Union – headed by the right wing and the ultra-right – to exploit the beginning of the EU-Cuba political dialogue to dig up their anti-Cuban rhetoric. AKEL voted against the recent resolution in the European Parliament which constitutes a blatant attempt to intervene in the internal affairs of a sovereign state. We defend the right of the Cuban people to choose its own future, its country’s socio-economic development path and leadership.

Dear comrades,

Moncada was and will be a milestone, not only in the course of Cuba, but also in the history of the world revolutionary movement and the struggle of the peoples for freedom, national independence and socialism.

Comradely greetings,

The Central Committee of AKEL


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