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AKEL will not silence its own voice

Statement by Stefanos Stefanou, AKEL C.C. Spokesperson

AKEL C.C. Press Office, 11th July 2017, Nicosia

If we adopt the position of the Deputy Government Spokesman Victora Papadopoulos that criticism of the President of the Republic “is leading third parties to blame the Greek Cypriot side”, then Mr. Anastasiades and the government and ruling forces, when they were previously in opposition, gave ample ammunition to third parties to accuse the Greek Cypriot side.

People remember the destructive criticism that was being exerted by Nicos Anastasiades and DISY party against former President Demetris Christofias and other Presidents of the Republic of Cyprus for their policy and handlings on the Cyprus problem.

AKEL will not silence its own voice. It will continue to boldly put forth its point of view and inform our people. AKEL will continue to behave patriotically and responsibly, so that efforts to solve the Cyprus problem continue. AKEL has never been and will never be in favour of any solution. AKEL is struggling for a solution based on principles; a solution which will liberate and reunite our country and people.

We wonder what considerations are guiding the President of the Republic and those who are now rushing to attack AKEL when they previously were praising AKEL’s patriotic stand on the Cyprus problem

At the end of the day, the Presidential Elections are a great temptation and DISY has a negative record in terms of serving pre-election considerations to the detriment of Cyprus’ cause.


Event of memory and honor on the occasion of the black anniversaries


Speech of the General Secretary of the C.C. of AKEL A. Kyprianou in the House of Representative’s session to condemn the fascist coup