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The critical juncture demands that prudence, accord and unity is demonstrated by everyone

Statement by Stefanos Stefanou, AKEL C.C. Spokesperson

AKEL C.C. Press Office, 21st June 2017, Nicosia

The Greek Cypriot side, to be convincing and credible, must be consistent not only on issues of principle, but also with regards positions that it has long tabled in the inter-communal negotiations.

With regards security and guarantees, the Greek Cypriot side’s longstanding position is that the solution must provide for the complete withdrawal of the Turkish occupation troops, the demilitarization of the Republic of Cyprus and the abolition of the anachronistic system of guarantees.

For the realization of this enduring position, the Greek Cypriot side has from time to time submitted various proposals, which, inter alia, were based on the logic of the full withdrawal of the occupying troops through a transitional period.

We characteristically refer to the proposal tabled by Tassos Papadopoulos in March 2004, which provided for the completion of the withdrawal of troops over a period of 11 years.

If the Greek Cypriot side now attempts to change its long-standing positions and put forward maximalist positions, this will lead to a collapse of negotiations, to responsibilities being apportioned on our side and to Turkey’s exoneration, a development which serves Turkey’s strategic objectives through the perpetuation of the illegal occupation.

The same will happen if the Greek Cypriot side were to put forth unfeasible demands, such as the demarcation of the Exclusive Economic Zone between the Republic of Cyprus and Turkey before the solution of the Cyprus problem. Greece and Turkey recognize each other, have been discussing between them for several decades and have been unable to agree. If such an issue is set as a prerequisite for the solution, the only thing that will happen is that it will never be achieved.

In view of the upcoming conference in Switzerland, the Greek Cypriot side must prepare itself properly.

It must also act with consistency to principles, but also to its long-standing positions so as to be credible and to contribute, to the extent of its own strength, to the successful conclusion of the negotiations or, in the event of a deadlock, to act in a way so as no one can easily apportion responsibilities on our side.

The critical juncture demands that prudence, accord and unity by all is demonstrated. Any petty-election or other considerations mustn’t be allowed to cause problems to our side and to the Republic of Cyprus in general.


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