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AKEL General Secretary expresses deep concern about developments on the Cyprus problem

“ASTRA” radio station, Saturday 27th May 2017

The General Secretary of the C.C. of AKEL Andros Kyprianou expressed AKEL’s deep concern about the developments on the Cyprus problem and called for the convening of the National Council.

Speaking to “ASTRA”, the General Secretary of AKEL noted that a turmoil was provoked because of procedural reasons and serious damage has been caused to the entire effort for a solution, as well as among public opinion.

He added that the AKEL’s time limits have been exhausted and that the Party would not accept President Anastasiades continuing to proceed without collective consultation and then calling for support.

Andros Kyprianou underlined that if the President proceeded with experimentations that could cause damage, then he should forget AKEL because it will stand and oppose him.

Referring to the Government spokesman’s statements that Anastasiades’ proposal is accepted by all, Mr. Kyprianou said that things are not as the government portrays them to be.

It is striking, he added, how the government is trying to distort developments to present a rosier picture of the situation.

The General Secretary of AKEL pointed out that he himself had meetings with representatives of the member states of the United Nations Security Council, who did agree that the issue of security and guarantees should be discussed, however they also say other things too which he can’t disclose.

Finally, he stressed that it is not easy for a “hot incident” to occur in June because of drilling in the Exclusive Economic Zone of the Republic of Cyprus, and added that Turkey’s threats cannot stop the energy plans.


Unfortunately what we were warning about and were afraid of has happened


AKEL C.C. statement on the Cyprus problem