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AKEL-BKP urge the two leaders to find ways to continue the negotiations

AKEL – United Cyprus Party BKP Joint Statement on recent developments surrounding the Cyprus problem

AKEL C.C. Press Office, 25th February 2017, Nicosia.

akel cyprus cprDuring their meeting today held at the central offices of the C.C. of AKEL, AKEL and the United Cyprus Party BKP, discussed the recent negative developments on the Cyprus problem.

The two Parties expressed their grave concern about the situation that has evolved, which is harming the efforts for a successful conclusion of the negotiations and indeed in the final phase in which they are in. It would be a shame were this effort to collapse after so much work has been done and which has resulted in significant convergences being registered on all the chapters without exception of the internal aspect of our political problem.

AKEL and the United Cyprus Party denounce the policy of “Enosis” and consider as mistaken the relevant recent decision approved by the majority of the House of Representatives which has revived past nightmares of the Turkish Cypriots and which is being fully exploited by the forces disagreeing with a bicommunal, bizonal federal solution.

The two Parties urge the leaders of both communities to find ways of continuing the negotiation procedure and to undertake sincere efforts for their successful conclusion. At this final stage, they must focus on the remaining core issues, because by doing so better conditions will be created for a successful outcome of the conference on Cyprus.

We strongly believe that at the point where we are today the solution of the internal aspects of the Cyprus problem is possible. Indeed, if on the issues of security and guarantees the proclaimed principle that the safety of a community cannot be ensured at the expense of the other community’s safety is adhered to in practice, the goal of a comprehensive solution of the Cyprus problem on the basis of principles and the agreed framework can achieved.


AKEL General Secretary on the current situation surrounding the Cyprus problem


Intervention of Andros Kyprianou, General Secretary of the C.C. of AKEL, at the Hearing “The Cyprus problem: recent developments and the way ahead” organized by the AKEL Delegation in the European Parliament and GUE/NGL