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Declaration by the Parliamentary Spokesperson of AKEL-Left-New Forces Giorgos Loucaides

AKEL C.C. Press Office, 24th August 2016, Nicosia


  • The correct preparation and achievement of further progress is a precondition
  • The meeting with the UN SC should take place after the completion of the current phase of intensive talks and certainly not during the UN General Assembly

cpr cyprusAKEL views the possibility of a meeting between the leaders of the two communities with the United Nations Secretary-General, which can take place after the completion of the current phase of intensive talks and certainly not during the UN General Assembly, as positive. In the long history of negotiations on the Cyprus problem many such meetings have taken place.

The correct preparation and realization of further progress at the negotiating table constitutes a prerequisite for holding the meeting, because only in this way will the endeavor have a greater possibilities of succeeding. We hope that with the completion of this round of intensive talks convergences will have been recorded that would justify the meeting. Thus a significant impetus could be given and to finally reach a stage of substantive negotiations on the territorial issue and on the chapter of security, where Turkey will pressingly be stepped up to its responsibilities.

It is obvious that the moment of truth is approaching with regards the fate of the current negotiation procedure, which has been continuing for eight years. We are at a crossroads and it is absolutely essential that all the political forces rise to the occasion so that we can fulfill the objective of lifting the occupation partitionist status quo and a solution based on principles and the agreed framework; a solution that will liberate and reunite the country and our people.


The anachronistic system of guarantees must be terminated


A multiparty international conference only when an agreement is within range