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AKEL supports the struggle of the peace-loving and democratic forces in Turkey


AKEL C.C. Press Office, 12th September 2015, Nicosia

hdpAKEL denounces the unleashing of mass violence by the Turkish state against the Kurds of Turkey, the escalation of the attacks on Syria and northern Iraq, as well as the on the offices of the People’s Democratic Party (HDP) by extreme nationalist circles.

The situation in Turkey remains explosive due to the Turkish state’s mass attacks which include the violation of human rights, anti-democratic practices and violent measures against Kurdish regions. The continuing blockade of the city of Cizre to the east of the country that has been ongoing for one week, including a ban on movements, the murder of civilians and the disruption of communications, which have brought shortages of basic supplies, food and medicines, is the culmination of this attack.

Furthermore, the offices of the left-wing People’s Democratic Party HDP in various cities of Turkey have in recent days been attacked by nationalist masses, causing damage and sabotage. The statements made by EU President Donald Tusk in Ankara which falsely equate HDP with the Kurdish Worker’s Party PKK and terrorism, heighten instability in Turkey and the region in general.

At present the escalation of Turkey’s aggression in the region, but also the attacks waged on the Kurds, is aggravating the chaos in the region, but also within the country itself.

AKEL supports the call of HDP for immediate peace and the return of Turkey and the PKK to the negotiating table between. Erdogan’s attempt to impose himself on his political opponents by promoting civil war conflicts must be denounced instantly by every peace-loving and democratic voice all over the world.


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