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AKEL mass solidarity meeting with Greek people


Statement of Stefanos Stefanou, member of AKEL Political Bureau

AKEL C.C. Press Office, 30th June 2015, Nicosia


greeks econWe stand by Greece, the Greek people and the Greek government who are struggling against the anti-social and neo-colonialist policies that are being imposed by the European Union and the International Monetary Fund against the country.

We defend the right of the Greek people to democratically and freely decide about the present and its own future.

We denounce the flagrant and unacceptable interferences of the Europeans in the internal affairs of a sovereign state such as Greece.

We reject the authoritarian, blackmailing and anti-democratic policies the European Union is implementing against Greece, which are wounding every notion of democracy and above all popular sovereignty. The European Union through its behaviour towards Greece is nullifying the principles and values upon which it claims its functioning is based on.

Unfortunately, for yet one more time the European Union is showing its anti-democratic character, as it did with other European states as well which it even imposed governments on them against the will of their peoples in order to promote and enforce its anti-peoples policy.

Confronted with this unacceptable situation, the government and ruling forces in Cyprus are attempting to mislead the people that they supposedly support Greece. In truth, who can we believe? Can we believe the President of the Republic who states that he stands by Greece or the governing DISY party who calls the Greek government frivolous and gives cover to the Europeans?

AKEL calls on our people to participate in a mass event in solidarity with Greece which it is organizing this Saturday, 4th July at 10:00 a.m. outside the “House of Europe” in Nicosia. In these difficult moments Greece is going through the support and solidarity of Cyprus is imperative and necessary.



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