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Cyprus government alligned itself fully with the EU neocolonialists


Statement of Stavros Evagorou Deputy Parlıamentary Spokesperson of AKEL-Left-New Forces

AKEL C.C. Press Office, 29th June 2015, Nicosia


anast-merkel-511x330It appears that the institutions are not interested at all about the severe humanitarian crisis and the impoverishment of the Greek people. What does interest them though is the humiliation and degradation of Greece so that no people in Europe will dare stand up and resist again.

A simple reading of the unacceptable proposals presented by the institutions towards Greece leads naturally to the conclusion that these proposals are the product of neo-liberal approaches, are antı- growth, recessionist and lead to more austerity and the improverishment of the Greek people.

Unfortunately, and depsite the President of the Republic’s oral assurances of support to Greece, in practice Cyprus due to the Finance Minister’s actions, fully alligned itself with the Germans, but also with the rest of the neocolonialists of the EU. The decision not to give any extension or any other convinience to Greece was Unanimous and this says a lot, as well as the fact that Cyprus agreed to the expulsion of the Greek Finance Minister from the Eurogroup meeting.

The Cyprus government therefore once again did not tell the truth. It remained exposed, leaving Greece alone for yet one more time.

Finally, as to what Greece should do, this is up to the Greek people and the Greek Government themselves to decide.

AKEL with consistency stands by and backs the Greek Government and the Greek people in the difficult and uneven battle they are waging.




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