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Speech by Stefanos Stefanou, member of the Political Bureau of AKEL, at the mass event and demonstration against fascism



AKEL C.C. Press Office, 11th November 2014, Nicosia


event fascism stefanosTonight’s event is being organised by AKEL to recall that the monster of fascism is lurking and preying.

Fascism lies in wait where there is an economic crisis and the masses are being driven into poverty.

It lurks there where the most aggressive and reactionary big capital can no longer rely on the ways of perpetuating its domination and is seeking a life-jacket for its power.

It waits to attack where political institutions and political life of the country are corrupt.

It lurks where nationalism and chauvinism, racism, xenophobia, intolerance and populism are rife.

It seeks to exploit the situation where the ruling class status quo and the majority of the mass media are giving reassurances that there is no danger of the fascist snake emerging.

It lurks where there is silence, indifference and passivity; where individualism, gross self-interest and lack of social solidarity are prevalent.

The German Lutheran pastor Martin Nimeler aptly expressed the complicity demonstrated through silence and indifference shown towards fascist crimes committed:

antifascism event“In Germany, the Nazis first came for the Communists, and I did not speak up because I was not a communist.

Then they came for the Jews, and I did not speak up because I was not a Jew.

Then they came for the trade unionists, and I did not speak up because I was not a trade unionist.

Then they came for the Catholics, and I was a Protestant so I did not raise my voice.

Then they came for me, but by then there was no one left to speak up for me… “.

We are therefore all called upon to raise our voices against fascism, but also against all those who give birth to fascism.

We are called upon to raise our voice against the extreme right-wing, neo-Nazi, neo-fascist organizations like “Golden Dawn” and ELAM (Note: fraternal ultra-right party of Golden Dawn in Cyprus), trying to use racism, chauvinism, intolerance and populism to broaden their social base and have a strong political intervention.

We are called to raise our voices against all those who are trying to mislead and dull the people by claiming that there is no such danger from the fascists. This is exactly what happened just a few years ago, when the General Secretary of AKEL denounced on the floor of the House of Representatives that the fascist menace is growing, whilst several MP’s, political parties and mass media mocked AKEL.

We must stand up to and resist all those, known and “unknown” figures and forces, who participated in the demonstration held in Larnaca against a bi-communal concert, which led to an attempt to murder a Turkish Cypriot artist.

We are called to line up against all those who tried – and indeed are still trying – to apportion the blame for the economic crisis on people from abroad, immigrants and Turkish Cypriots.

We must reject and resist the anti-social austerity policies being implemented by the Troika and the Government of Anastasiades and governing DISY Rally party. Austerity, poverty, unemployment and destitution all create a favourable environment for the growth of fascism.

We are called upon to fight for another different Europe than the one we live in today; a Europe of social justice, work, dignity, cooperation and solidarity instead of the Europe of brutal competition, austerity, wars and interventions.

We, the members and cadres of AKEL, we the Cypriot Left, are always in the forefront of the struggle against fascism.

As AKEL did, back then in the forefront of the struggle against the fascism of Franco in Spain.

As we did in the forefront of the struggle against Hitler fascism in World War 1.

As we did in the forefront of the struggle against the Junta of Athens, but also against any Junta all over the world.

As we did in the forefront of the struggle against EOKA B, Grivas and the fascist coup d’état that brought the Turkish army to Cyprus.

AKEL defends, in practice and not in words, democracy, human rights and liberties of the people against the oppression of fascism.

With our actions we prevent the recurrence of a new “Crystal Night”.

We prevent the resurrection of fascism and its inhuman tools.

Never again fascism!

Long live democracy, peace, solidarity and cooperation among peoples and states!


 Read further:

AKEL Antifascist event on the occasion of the International Day Against Fascism

















AKEL Antifascist event on the occasion of the International Day Against Fascism


Address by Andros Kyprianou, General Secretary of the C.C. of AKEL, at the Meeting of the GUE/NGL Group entitled "The Economic and social situation in the EU and the Memoranda"