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Neoklis Sylikiotis: “With the help of the Government big capital is intensifying its attacks on working people’s rights”

Participation in a discussion on labour rights and collective agreemenst in Portugal 

Statement of AKEL MEP and Vice-President of GUE/NGL Neoklis Sylikiotis

15th November 2014

PCP EU eventAKEL MEP and Vice-President of the Group of the European United Left-Nordic Green Left Neoklis Sylikiotis participated yesterday in the discussion on the theme “Labour rights and collective agreements” held in the city of Setubal, Portugal. The meeting was organized by the Portuguese Communist Party PCP and GUE/NGL.

In his speech the AKEL MEP stressed that with the imposition of the Memoranda policies every concept of labour rights, the welfare state and social insurance of working people is being dismantled. He pointed out that the neo-liberal onslaught will regretfully also continue with the new Commission.

Neoklis Sylikiotis made a special reference to Cyprus, noting that with the help of the Government big capital is intensifying its attacks on working people’s rights, undermining collective agreements and widening social inequality. Steady and permanent employment, he added, is being replaced by cheap and flexible employment, the minimum wage is again under attack, and the selling-off of the profitable Semi-governmental organizations is being promoted, whilst the Council of Ministers has introduced the renegotiation in the private sector even of agreed terms of employment.

AKEL MEP Neoklis Sylikiotis underlined that AKEL is struggling, together with the trade union movement, for the protection of labour and workers gains and the improvement of the people’s standard of living. He briefed the meeting that AKEL has tabled a proposal through a Bill in the House of Representatives for the obligatory extension of collective agreements to all the enterprises of a sector, whilst, inter alia, it has proposed the assumption of concrete measures for social protection and economic support towards the long-term unemployed, the restoration of the damage the Providence Funds have suffered as a result of the haircut/levy on bank deposits, as well as for the Social Insurance Fund to remain sustainable beyond 2060.

In conclusion, AKEL MEP Neoklis Sylikiotis stressed that the growth of the Group of the European United Left strengthens the struggle for the safeguarding of labour rights and collective agreements, rejuvenating the hope for the Europe of the peoples, solidarity and social justice.

The three MEP’s of the Portuguese Communist Party were among the keynote speakers in the discussion, as well as representatives of trade union organizations from Portugal.


Read more:

Seminário «Direitos dos trabalhadores e contratação colectiva»


Solidarity Statement with the people of Cyprus by parties participating in the 16th International Meeting of Communist and Workers' Parties


"Illusions and reality" by Stefanos Stefanou, member of the Political Bureau of AKEL