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Intervention of Andros Kyprianou, General Secretary of the C.C. of AKEL, at the “Economist” magazine Seminar


AKEL C.C. Press Office, 4th November 2014, Nicosia

Andros Kyprianou interviewPermit me to congratulate the “ECONOMIST” magazine for organising this discussion and thank it for the invitation extended. This is a useful opportunity to exchange views, especially since at this juncture developmenst on the Cyprus problem are extremely critical.

I believe that its worth the effort to repeat what the framework of the Cyprus problem is, before proceeding to any further discussion. The Cyprus problem is principally a problem of invasion and occupation. It is the result of foreign interventions by forces that wanted to promote their expansionist designs and interests in the wider region during the Cold War. As a result of the invasion and Turkey’s on-going occupation, the differences and lack of trust between the two communities in Cyprus increased sharply. At the same time, the need arose for regulating many issues related to our acceptance of federation as a solution in 1977.

There are many circles and forces, particulalry outside Cyprus, who now openly claim that since the Cyprus problem has not been solved for four decades we should accept the current situation as a permanent solution. This is a position that for sure cannot be accepted by anyone who loves Cyprus and its people, but neither can partition represent a permanent and viable solution. The non-solution is not a solution, given that it harbours fatal dangers for the whole of the Cypriot people. The permanent consolidation and legitimization of the results of the Turkish invasion will be to the detriment of both Greek Cypriots and Turkish Cypriots alike. Both communities are suffering from the crimes Turkey committed and is still committing against them: the continuing occupation, the uprooting of the Cypriots as refugees, the on-going colonisation of the occupied areas. The very future of the Cypriot people as a whole will be threatened, given that partition will create an explosive situation on the island that will constitute a threat to peace and security in our country, but also in the wider region.

AKEL has never for a single moment stopped stressing the need to achieve a correct solution; the need for the liberation and reunification of Cyprus as the common homeland of Greek Cypriots and Turkish Cypriots. AKEL has never ceased underlining the need for a solution that will end the occupation and colonisation; that will restore the sovereignty, independence, territorial integrity and unity of the Republic of Cyprus. For a solution that will exclude any rights of intervention in the internal affairs of our country by foreign powers and forces. For a solution that will reunite the territory and people, the country within the framework of a bi-zonal, bi-communal federation with political equality as set out in the relevant resolutions of the UN Security Council.

Regretfully, the recent developments do not enable us to conduct our discussion in an atmosphere of optimism. It doesn’t permit us to say that we are close to fulfilling our people’s vision for liberation and reunification. The responsibility for this lies with Turkey because of its constant provocations.

It isn’t the first time that Turkey is taking such provocative actions within the Exclusive Economic Zone (EEZ) of the Republic of Cyprus. However, Ankara’s recent provocations are the most serious ever since the declaration of the psuedo-state. According to Law of the Sea when the distances between states with opposite and adjacent coasts do not permit for an Exclusive Economic Zone (EEZ) of 200 nautical miles, delineation is imperative. So long as the delienation is pending, actions cannot be taken in the disputed regions that would prejudge the final setllement. If an agreement is not concluded within a reasonable time frame there must be a recourse to the International Court or to the Court for the Law of the Sea.

Turkey’s actions must be judged bearing in mind this context. As it is known Turkey is challenging a large part of the north-western section of the Cyprus EEZ, considering erroneously that it belongs to it. This is where Turkey has repeatedly violated the Law of the Sea, attempting to predetermine the final delineation of the regions in question.

The second serious issue was Turkey’s similar actions in the part of the EEZ which although it doesn’t assert for its own benefit, Turkey considers that it constitutes the EEZ of the pseudo-state. It overlooks of course that we are dealing here with an illegal entity that isnt recognised by any state other than Turkey itself. All the other states all over the world recognise that the occupied areas, consequently the EEZ as well, belong to the Republic of Cyprus.

The third issue, which has taken place for the very first time, was Turkey’s action in part of the EEZ of the Republic of Cyprus which it has never challenged, neither for its benefit, nor for the benefit of the pseudo-state. I am reffering to the part of the EEZ which is opposite to the southern coasts of the Republic of Cyprus.

The fourth issue was the designatino of the biggest part of the southern coastline of the Republic of Cyprus by Turkey and indeed very close to our territorial waters and in front of the drilling conducted by ENI-KOGAS companies which is fully underway.

All of these actions have led to the extremely undesirable development of the suspension of the negotiating procedure. Let me clarify that as AKEL we have backed the suspension and not the termination of the talks. We believe, and continue to believe, that the talks within the framework of the United Nations are the only available path to solve the Cyprus problem. The suspension of the talks for AKEL is a way to express our reaction so that everyone realises that such serious provocations and in actual fact, on the eve of the beginning of the substantive phase of the talks, cause serious damage to the negotiation procedure itself. Therefore, all those supporting the solution of the Cyprus problem must act to put pressure toput an end to Turkey’s illegal and aggressive behaviour. In other words, it is Turkey that chose on the eve of the substantive phase of the talks, indeed with the procedure and methodology to be followed agreed, to take these actions, endagering the whole effort. It is Turkey that has deliberately chosen to create strong feelings of disappointment, mistrust and insecurity among the Greek Cypriots.

At this point, permit me to also comment on the pretext Turkey is invoking to justify its provocationbs, namely the pretext of allegedly defending the interests of the Turkish Cypriots on the natural gas of the Republic of Cyprus. This is completely untrue. Turkey is acting in this way not in the interests of the Turkish Cypriots, but for the sake of its own interests, as Erdogan had cynically admitted during his visit to Cyprus.

As AKEL we have always pointed out that the only realistic way for our Turkish Cypriot compatriots to benefit from the natural gas as well is through the solution of the Cyprus problem. As a Party we are doing all in our power and capability towards this end.

During the Demetris Christofias Presidency we proved that there was a way ahead and a perspective. Back then, we concluded an agreement with Mr. Talat on the issue of the maritime zones. All the zones, without exception, including the EEZ, would constitute a federal competency. The same would apply also regarding the delineation and resolution of disputes with neighbouring states. All of these would procced according to the UN Convention for the Law of the Sea. In combination with the convergence agreed that the natural resources would also consitute a federal competency, as well as the convergence regarding the distribution of the federal revenues, it is obvious that with the solution of the Cyprus problem the natural gas issue would basically be solved – provided of course that the previosuly mentioned convergences will be respected by all. This is the most convincing reply to the position promoted by Turkey that the natural gas also belongs to the Turkish Cypriots.

Our own appeal to the international community, the members of the United Nations Security Council and the representatives of the UN is to shift their attention to Turkey and convince it that it must stop acting provocatively. This is how negotiations will resume. This is the most urgent task now so that the hope for a solution of the Cyprus problem is revitalized. This is where everyone should be focusing on, so that Turkey finally demonstrates a will for the solution of the Cyprus problem and stop victimising Cyprus, Greek Cypriots and Turkish Cypriots alike for the sake of the strategic interests of Ankara, or of its powerful allies.

If and when this happens the President of the Republic must handle the resumption of the negotiations with prudence, consistency, responsibility and collectivity. Only in this way can we, Greek Cypriots and Turkish Cypriots, hope for a better future and perspective.


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