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Attempts of the occupation regime to create faits accomplis

Statement by Georgos Loucaides, AKEL C.C. Press Spokesperson,

23rd April 2014, Nicosia

green line

The intention of the occupation regime to grant to the Turkish Cypriots the right to recourse to the so called compensation committee with a view to exchange their property in the free areas constitutes yet another attempt to create faits accomplis. This provocative action coincides with the start of the second round and substantive round negotiations and demonstrates the big gap between the Turkish Cypriot leadership’s verbal declarations and actions.

The new provocation of the Turkish Cypriot leader Mr. Eroglu poisons the climate even before substantive talks will begin, one of the important chapters of which is the property issue. In any case, this proves once again the urgent need for a solution to the Cyprus problem based on principles. The fruitless and passive passage of time makes the solution, as we are seeking, more and more difficult. The new provocation of Eroglu demonstrates clearly that the barren passage of time more and more properties are being lost. If this trend is allowed to continue undisturbed, in essence the property issue will be solved on the ground and indeed with the blessings of the European Court of Human Rights.

The new provocation of the occupation regime proves the correctness of the position of AKEL that talks should not start from scratch but from where they had left off because otherwise we will enter an endless and fruitless negotiation, which serves only Turkish goals and plans.


Eroglu must prove in practice he really is seeking a solution


Turkey provokes by sending a Note Verbable to the UN Secretary-General