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AKEL on the 65 years since the foundation of NATO

AKEL C.C. Press Office, 4th April 2014, Nicosia


Today 65 years will have elapsed since the foundation of NATO. Humanity experienced in a bitter way the interests NATO is serving and what consequences its existence has had for world peace and security. From the Korean War and the coup d’état executed in Iran up to the junta in Athens, and the bloodshed in the Middle East, from the division of Yugoslavia and the invasion of Iraq right up to the occupation of Afghanistan and the bombing of Libya, NATO has written with the blood of the peoples a black page in         History.

The Cypriot people experienced the crime committed in 1974 (Note: the fascist coup d’état of the junta of Greece and EOKA B fascist organisation, subsequently followed by the Turkish invasion and occupation of almost 40% of the territory of the Republic of Cyprus) that was planned and organized by NATO; a crime that NATO is tolerating and supporting Turkey’s intransigence for 40 years. AKEL warns that the illusions cultivated by the governing Democratic Rally party concerning the alleged security Cyprus’ membership of NATO would secure are refuted by life itself. The Cypriot people should reflect on whether NATO has protected Greece from Turkey’s aggressiveness or whether it is in the end exerting pressure on Greece itself to make unacceptable concessions from its sovereign rights.

Furthermore, let us all also take into account that a possible membership or partnership of our country with NATO would demand obligations to increase military spending and the continuous purchasing of military equipment from the war industries of powerful states. Besides, NATO has repeatedly called on the EU Member States to disregard the economic crisis and maintain or even increase their military budgets. Who would once again shoulder the burden of tis cost?

The view is expressed that AKEL should review its position on NATO because “nowadays NATO is not what it was during the Cold War.” The truth is that today’s NATO is more dangerous for the peoples and more ruthless in its violation of International Law. NATO’s New Strategic Concept for the next decade increases the generalisation of raids beyond its borders, enhances the logic of pre-emptive wars and advances the contempt of the UN. NATO is indeed strengthened operationally through the deployment of the “anti-missile shield” – whose radar is stationed in Turkey – which in reality is targeting Russia and the Middle East. At the same time it has again been confirmed that NATO will continue to base its power on nuclear weapons.

AKEL, together with the peace movement of Cyprus, will continue to expose the role of NATO in Cyprus and in the world as a battering ram for the geopolitical and economic interests of the U.S. and its allies. AKEL will continue to resist the position of the Government and the Democratic Rally party for Cyprus’ accession to the so-called Partnership for Peace or to NATO itself.

In addition, AKEL once again reiterates that it will not consent to NATO’s involvement in the solution of the Cyprus problem. We do not want Cyprus in NATO, nor do we want NATO in Cyprus. This is the reason why our ultimate goal is to achieve the full liberation of our island from foreign troops and bases. At the same time, together with the progressive forces of Europe, we will continue to assert the termination of the EU-NATO coupling and struggle for its dissolution.


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