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Questionable EU actions on the direct trade with the occupied areas of Cyprus

Statement by George Loucaides, AKEL C.C. Spokesperson

17th March 2014, Nicosia



All that is seeing is known in public about the intentions, but also the consequences of possible actions by the EU on the issue of direct trade from the Turkish Cypriot side are justifiably causing concern.

AKEL considers possible similar initiatives as unacceptable, which not only would not have a constructive impact, but instead will undermine the negotiation process that has just resumed and therefore the prospects for a solution of the Cyprus problem.

Instead of other actions dangerous to the efforts for the solution of the Cyprus problem, we call on the EU and the U.S. to focus their attention on encouraging Ankara, so that the latter will demonstrate a conciliatory and constructive approach in the negotiations.

Furthermore, we also call upon the Anastasiades government to stop praising itself for internal consumption purposes, wearily repeating all the talk about the recovery of Cyprus’ international credibility and instead to act preventively and quietly, so that dangerous pitfalls and possible actions that harm our national interest will be avoided.


EP Parliament Resolution on Turkey's EU progress Report was formed with important amendments of GUE/NGL


AKEL backs the efforts towards a solution and not the government's policies