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The new appointed Ministers will be judged by their actions


Statement by Stefanos Stefanou, Member of the Political Bureau of AKEL 

AKEL C.C. Press Office, 13th March 2014, Nicosia


The people are following in astonishment all that has happened on the domestic front with regards the government reshuffle led by the ruling forces, namely the behind the scenes meetings, targeted leaks to the mass media, statements and counter-statements.

Irrespective of the disturbing impressions left on society from the government’s behaviour, the essence is there for all to see. The government reshuffle has reshuffled people but not changed the policy. It is known that AKEL fully disagrees with the policy the government and ruling forces are implementing; a policy that is harming working people, the unemployed, pensioners, SME’s and the vulnerable groups of the population. The policies promoting the selling-off of public wealth and property, uncontrolled markets, protection of big capital and the victimization of working people represent the government’s substance and principle.

In relation to the newly appointed Ministers, as is the case with all of us, they will be judged by their actions. They will prove in practice their capability and effectiveness.



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