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AKEL-CTP meeting and Joint Communique


“Haravgi” newspaper, 15th January 2014


AKEL and the Turkish Republican Party (CTP) yesterday issued a joint for the two leaders to agree on a joint communique as soon as possible for the restart of the negotiations for an overall solution of the Cyprus problem.

Andros Kyprianou, General Secretary of AKEL, welcoming a delegation of CTP, headed by its President Ozkan Yorgancioglou, to the central offices of AKEL, noted that, “We had a very meaningful and substantial exchange of views”, adding that “the whole discussion revolved around the Cyprus problem and more specifically regarding the question of the issuing of a joint communique.”


“AKEL and CTP”, Andros Kyprianou underlined, “are parties which have struggled over time for the solution of the Cyprus problem, always based on principles.”


The GS of AKEL stressed that the common assessment of the two parties is that time is running out and we do not have the luxury to see time being wasted aimlessly without making a substantial effort to reach an agreement.”


“We believe it is urgent that the two leaders reach an agreement on the joint communique as soon as possible. We also consider that this is possible and can be done in a very short time,” Andros Kyprianou characteristically noted.


The GS of AKEL addressed an appeal to the United Nations and particularly to the leaders of the two communities to intensify the efforts to arrive at an agreement on the issue of the joint communique as soon as possible.”


“On our part, “Andros Kyprianou stated, “we pledge that when and if substantial negotiations begin, we shall support them with a view to reaching an agreement as soon as possible.”


The GS of AKEL clarified that any agreement must “reunify our country and people and be based on the principles that have been agreed.” He added that together with CTP they will continue the joint effort for a correct solution.


Replying to a question whether this whole procedure was required, Andros Kyprianou recalled that AKEL had from the beginning distanced its position from President N. Anastasiades on the issue. He reiterated that that “there was a sufficient and satisfactory basis for the negotiations to restart. It was provided in the two Christofias-Talat joint communiques in 2008 and on the agreement reached between them on the issue of sovereignty.”


The GS of AKEL pointed out that since July his Party issued a warning that if what President Anastasiades was proposing were to be implemented we enter into an adventure with uncertain results. He recalled that AKEL had also warned about the danger of the international community considering that the Greek Cypriot side did not want the resumption of the negotiations. “I regret to point out that unfortunately in both of our assessments have been confirmed”, Andros Kyprianou noted characteristically, stressing that after wandering aimlessly for over four months Mr. Anastasiades is searching for another way to move ahead on the issue of the joint communique. He added that it is evident that a section of the international community considers that the Greek Cypriot side bears responsibilities for the situation created. Experimentations and tactical schemings have no place in this effort, signalled the GS of AKEL in every direction.







Needless experimenting - By Aristos Damianou, Member of C.C. of AKEL, Member of Parliament


AKEL on Anastasiades-Cameron Joint Communique