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Needless experimenting – By Aristos Damianou, Member of C.C. of AKEL, Member of Parliament


The history of the Cyprus problem, from 1977 onwards with some positive intervals, as far as our community is concerned, is a story full of regressions, empty sloganeering, clumsy handling of issues and improvisations. Unfortunately, with regards the well-known issue of the issuing of a joint communiqué, the President of the Republic did not avoid following the same path.

The position expressed at the National Council (Note: an advisory body to the given President composed of all the parliamentary parties and former Presidents) that the solution we are seeking will come through a dialogue, within the framework of the United Nations is accepted by all (or almost generally accepted). Federation will be the result of the evolvement of the Republic of Cyprus and not the outcome of a “parthenogenesis” or abolition/dissolution and refoundation. This state, as every independent state, must have a single and indivisible sovereignty, a single citizenship and a single international personality; elements that ensure and safeguard the unity of the state on the internal aspects, but also be in line with International Law. The basis of the solution, namely bi-communal bi- zonal federation, and the above characteristics, are the “reddest of our bottom lines” as a community.

The President of the Republic, after his election was of course free to negotiate the Cyprus problem as he himself wanted. Unfortunately, in spite of our warnings, he chose to abandon an important convergence that was achieved between the two communities, as reflected in the Christofias-Talat joint communiques: that is to say, the Turkish Cypriot community’s commitment for the first time towards a single sovereignty as a matter of principle. The President of the Republic considered – perhaps – that he could secure something more. Regretfully, after four months – due to Turkish intransigence – we are at zero point.

Declaring an impasse suits some third parties. Making the Cyprus problem a “frozen conflict” suits Turkey, given that partitionist fait accomplis will continue to be perpetuated on the ground: the multiplying of the settlers, the natural decline of first and second generation refugees, the further selling-off of the properties to the so-called “Compensation Committee” in the occupied territories, the continuation of the  migration of Turkish Cypriots abroad, but also the possible relaxation of any remaining obstacles the illegal formation is facing today in the occupied territories. Consequently, we want a solution and we want a solution as soon as possible. The impasse and deadlock cannot be a strategic choice; neither the passive passage of time without action which certain circles and forces prefer, nor all the talk about the need for a new strategy. Really – what new strategy are they proposing?

Consequently, the big delay in the President’s belated choice to utilise the Christofias-Talat joint communiques which he is now invoking in the most formal way in his recent letter to the United Nations Secretary-General is an indirect admission that concerning the handling made on the issues there were – to say the least – – serious failures. These faults may end up as a charge by various bad-intentioned forces as intent for a non-solution. That would be tragic, given the timeless unacceptable Turkish stance.

The lesson is simple. Assertion, yes. Experimentations to serve political expediencies, no. If the President had categorically invoked from the very beginning this very important commitment of the Turkish Cypriot side to a solution providing for one state, Eroglou would have been the most upset of Cypriots. We would have exposed him from the very outset. It’s a shame, because with the regressions that took place Eroglou found an excuse for him too to abandon the commitment of his predecessor in the leadership of the Turkish Cypriots community.

The coming days will show how things will develop. We have wasted valuable time. And there are responsibilities. Talks on the correct basis must start. The achievement of a just under the circumstances, workable solution that will safeguard the human rights of all Cypriots, with the peaceful liberation and real reunification of our country and our people, is the only correct path.


AKEL on developments on the Cyprus Problem


AKEL-CTP meeting and Joint Communique