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73rd Anniversary of AKEL’s Foundation

AKEL C.C. Press Office, 14th April 2014, Nicosia

poria akel skitso

On the occasion of the 73th anniversary since the founding of the Progressive Party of Working People, we address a warm greeting the thousands of cadres, members and friends of the Party and to the people of Cyprus as a whole.

With the founding Congress taking place in the village of Skarinou on 14th April 1941, AKEL emerged in the political life of Cyprus and took from the Communist Party of Cyprus (CPC) the baton of political and social struggles.

The development of the workers movement in Cyprus from the mid-1930s had highlighted the urgent need for a mass party of the working class to act in legality. Its cadres organised in the underground CPC were fully aware of this need. The cadres of CPC made use of the new conditions created by the Second World War and in collaboration with other progressive elements of Cypriot society established the Progressive Party of Working People (AKEL), which is the successor and continuation of the CPC.

In the decades that have passed since the Congress of Skarinou, AKEL through its struggles, actions, service and sacrifices has been gained prestige and acknowledged in the hearts and minds of the Cypriot people, especially the workers. It has been established as a patriotic bastion of struggles for the freedom of Cyprus; as the voice and expression of the broad popular masses and primary force of democracy and social progress.

In the current conditions, AKEL, far from petty-party considerations and calculations, remains the responsible and patriotic political force that gives a perspective to the struggle for liberation from the occupation and for the reunification of our homeland and people. We keep alive the hope for a peaceful future in a free Cyprus, where all its children, Greek Cypriots and Turkish Cypriots, will build their lives in conditions of stability and security.

The historic success of putting Cyprus, during the term of the previous government, on the energy map of Europe and the world, has created new given situations also with regards the Cyprus problem, which – provided they are properly utilized by our side – may contribute decisively so that we can break the chains of slavery that our people have been carrying for 40 years.

Our homeland, unfortunately, under the weight of the banking crime, also found itself simultaneously under a peculiar occupation – this time an occupation by the Troika lenders. While the banking crime was in progress, AKEL was the only party that had issued timely warnings whilst other political forces were serving the interests of the bankers and the then Governor of the Central Bank, attempting to put the blame on wages, pensions, the welfare state and in general on public finances.

Although hard facts have refuted them, they unfortunately persist in propagating the same myth, with only one substantial difference. They themselves have now undertaken the governance of the country. In contrast to their pre-election commitments, they are continuing from where they left off when in opposition. They are attempting to put all the burden of the banking crime and of the economic disaster that caused, on the backs of the people, the workers, SMEs and citizens in general. At the same time, they are exonerating, protecting and supporting the various big private interests and capital.

In these conditions where Cypriot society and the working people are under the attack of the Memoranda and government policies, AKEL was and remains the main bastion and bulwark. It is at the forefront and struggling for a fair distribution of the burdens and to protect society, working people, SME’s, but also Cyprus’ national wealth.

AKEL will undertake initiatives, both inside and outside the House of Representatives, towards this end by submitting a series of draft Bills, such as the Bill to protect the primary family residence, by tabling a comprehensive proposal for the exit from the yoke of the Memorandum, whilst at the same time, given the government’s refusal to even discuss such an eventuality, AKEL is elaborating and submitting proposals for dealing with the consequences of the crisis, as we did with regards the package of measures we put forth to tackle unemployment.

On the occasion of the anniversary of its foundation, AKEL reiterates its pledge towards the Cypriot people that it will never lower the flag of struggle for the liberation of our country and for social justice and prosperity.

Faithful to the socialist ideals and to the legacy of almost nine decades of life, struggles and sacrifices, AKEL will remain the consistent, responsible and militant force defending the just cause and rights of the working people, our people and Cyprus.


Address of Andros Kyprianou, General Secretary of the C.C. of AKEL, to the meeting opening the celebrations in honour of the 70th anniversary of AON-EDON


Speech of Pambis Kyritsis, General Secretary of the Panhcyprian Federation of Labour (PEO), at the mass common International Workers May Day meeting