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53 years since the black anniversary of the fascist coup of 21st April 1967 in Greece

The biggest traitors wore the mask of nationalist jingoism

AKEL C.C. Press Office, 20th April 2020, Nicosia

21st April 1967 is one the darkest pages in the history of the Greek and Cypriot people. The coup d’état of the Colonels imposed on the Greek people a dictatorship subservient to the US which using the banners of anti-communism and flag-waving chauvinist jingoism persecuted Greece for 7 years. At the same time, under the guidance of NATO, the Greek junta co-organized and co-executed together with Turkey the massacre and partition of Cyprus in the summer of 1974. The Greek junta indeed, not only overthrew by a military coup d’état the lawful government of President Makarios, but deliberately left our homeland unfortified in the face of Turkey’s invading army and the brave sons of our people betrayed and exposed to the Turkish army’s aggression.

The dark page of the Greek junta dictatorship constitutes a constant reminder that the biggest betrayals and traitors in Greece and Cyprus came wearing the mask of nationalist and jingoist exploitation of patriotism. We also remember that those who were the main protagonists of the destruction of Cyprus, both our country and in Greece, were never punished as they deserved to be for the treason and crimes they had committed. It is precisely this impunity that enabled political forces in both Cyprus and in Greece to seek to falsify and completely distort the historical truth, to cover up and whitewash the crimes committed by fascism and to attempt to turn the protagonists of the betrayal into heroes. However up till now, the people’s memory and collective consciousness have proved to be stronger than all the campaigns aiming at historical falsification.

AKEL is defending and honouring the historical truth and democratic memory. It honors the anti-dictatorship struggle of the Greek people, the memory of the Greek junta’s victims, the Greeks fighters who fought against the dictatorial regime in prison, exile, facing torture and before military courts.

AKEL honors the militants of the Resistance, the student and the popular movement. We also pay tribute and honor the Cypriots who participated in the anti-dictatorship struggle in Greece, among them the hero Georgios Tsikouris stood out, sacrificing his life for Democracy in Greece.

On the opportunity of this black anniversary, AKEL addresses a fraternal greeting to the Greek people who was and remains an irreplaceable pillar of support in the struggle of Cyprus to reverse the crime committed by the Greek junta against our homeland, in the struggle for the freedom and reunification of Cyprus.



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