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The international progressive movement and the international relations of the Party



(21st Congress – November 2010)

International relations represent a very important part of the work of our Party, especially in the current political context of the world and Cyprus. Through the multifaceted development of our international relations, the possibility is given to draw invaluable experiences, develop coordination, cooperation and joint action together with the other Communist, Workers and progressive parties based on common goals and objectives. Based on our internationalist ideology, through international relations we seek to express our substantive and practical solidarity with the peoples suffering from imperialist wars, interventions or internal oppression and the violation of rights and freedoms.

Undoubtedly, the drawing of support and solidarity in the struggle of our people for liberation from the occupation always constituted a priority for the development of our international relations. The support and solidarity the Cypriot people receive from the parties and forces of the Left, who with consistency and steadfastness are on the side of AKEL and our people in general, is invaluable.

The progressive movement is continuing its struggle in particularly adverse conditions after the dissolution of the Soviet Union and the community of Socialist states in Europe. The situation regarding the progressive movement has not witnessed a great change in the period that has elapsed since our last Congress, even though it must be pointed out that partial positive steps have been registered at various levels. More specifically, the diversity and lack of ideological and political homogeneity that exists between the parties of the Left or even the existence of heterogeneity within some of these parties has not vanished. As a result, the progressive movement continues to display the well-known deficits with regards ideological-political cohesion.

Based on the above mentioned, our policy is to continue to work for the greatest possible cooperation, coordination and unity between the Communist, Workers and progressive parties on a regional and international level, aiming at joint actions and positions, where and whenever this is feasible and based on the respect of the peculiarities/conditions of each given party.

Consequently, we do not approve of any attempts, from wherever they may come from, which adhere to the logic of exclusions, paternalism and the guardianship of the movement, intervention in the internal affairs of other parties and the undertaking of hasty initiatives that can harm the effort to build the maximum possible unity between the parties of the Left.

Of course, this does not negate the right of each party to maintain a critical view concerning the realities in the spectrum of the Left, always of course within the framework of mutual respect.

AKEL, in the period that has elapsed since its previous Congress, participated actively in the annual International Meetings of the Communist and Workers Parties, as well as in thematic and regional meetings that were organised. Despite the room for improvement that we assess exists in this custom, nonetheless we should note the steps for its strengthening as positive, as well as the need for us to seek an even more active participation within it.

During this period, we have continued our participation with the status of observer, and not as a full member, in the European Left Party (ELP), since the conditions regarding the foundation of the ELP and the hasty actions that were taken, but also some of the positions it upholds, did not permit the maturing of the conditions that would have created the preconditions for an overall and comprehensive unity of the Left in Europe.

Not only has this situation not ceased to exist, but it has deteriorated further. Consequently, we must maintain our relations with the ELP at the same level it exists today, since given the existing situation and reality no change whatsoever in our position is justified.

On a European level, we also participate actively in the Confederal Group of the European United Left-Nordic Green Left (GUE-NGL) in the European Parliament and in the Group of the European Left in the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe (PACE). Concerning the promotion of the Cyprus problem, we have systematic contacts with all the political groups within the European Parliament and the PACE.

As AKEL, it is imperative that we continue and intensify our activity and intervention so that we safeguard the unity and cohesion of our Groups and particularly of GUE-NGL in the European Parliament, strengthening at the same time their effectiveness.

The hideous face of the imperialist world order, neo-liberal globalisation and the ongoing capitalist crisis have created preconditions for the further growth of the resistance of the peoples and working people.

The inherent contradictions of capitalism and the accumulated deadlocks it gives rise to and reproduces are leading more and more people to realise that the future of humanity cannot be the current socio-economic system.

The barbarity capitalism is leading humanity towards is becoming increasingly evident to the peoples and working people, despite the powerful mechanisms of ideological manipulation and assimilation it has at its disposal.

It is imperative that the forces of the Left utilise the conditions being formed, channelling the reaction of the peoples and workers towards the organised struggle for the defence and extension of their rights. At the same time, based always on the peculiarities of each case, organised struggles and attempts to gain political power must be connected dialectically with the only alternative option in view of capitalism’s deadlocks: the perspective of socialism.

The successes of the Left in a number of Latin American countries through many years of struggles and broader cooperation represent a hopeful development for the progressive movement and show the existing possibilities, even in a continent that the USA has always considered as its own backyard.

The strengthening of the intervention and activity of the class based trade union movement within the structures of the World Federation of Trade Unions (WFTU) is another positive development.

The activity of the world peace movement has also correspondingly significantly boosted its activity through the World Peace Council that has enhanced its prestige, whilst new forces have joined its ranks.

Regarding the world youth movement of the Left, the progressive steps that have been registered over the past few years have led to the consolidation of the particularly significant presence and activity of the World Federation of Youth and Students.

The international radical women’s movement, despite the difficulties it continues to face due to the negative developments with the dissolution of the socialist camp, has taken steps forward in its activity, whilst the preconditions have improved for the consolidation of the anti-imperialist character of the Women International Democratic Federation.

Regarding the social forums on an international, regional and national level, that were established aiming at combating capitalist globalisation, these continue to develop their activity, even though in comparison with the initial stages of their creation they have recorded a decline. Our goal must remain the development of the cooperation of the Left with the forces composing the movement and the constant effort to forge their class-based and anti-imperialist orientation.

The activity of the Party on an international and regional level has been noteworthy and multifaceted.

Relations with fraternal Parties all over the world have developed further. We participated in a series of international and regional meetings. We have organised and hosted regional meetings, whilst we also took a number of initiatives to express solidarity with struggling peoples. We utilised every available podium so that we could inform about developments surrounding the Cyprus problem and gain support for the anti-occupational struggle of our people.

In today’s crucial conditions, it is imperative that we continue and intensify the efforts to internationalise the Cyprus problem and gain solidarity with the struggle of our people, by backing the huge efforts of the President of the Republic Demetris Christofias for the liberation and reunification of Cyprus.

We must aim at the further strengthening of our bilateral relations with ideologically fraternal interrelated parties in Europe, aiming at the same time to maintain and strengthen our links with our fraternal Parties from the much-suffering Middle East and Latin America, where radical developments are underway, as well as with the fraternal Parties of Africa and Asia. Having the promotion of the cause of Cyprus as our goal, we should extend our relations also with parties beyond the spectrum of the Left.

We must continue to undertake initiatives, both in Cyprus and on a multilateral level, to express our solidarity with the peoples and working people who need our support and practical assistance.



Peace and Solidarity Movement


Repatriated Cypriots