Μήνυμα της Προοδευτικής Έπαλξης (Μπαχρέιν) προς το 23ο Συνέδριο του ΑΚΕΛ
Μήνυμα προς το 23ο Συνέδριο απέστειλε το Προοδευτική Έπαλξη (Μπαχρέιν):
«In the name of the Secretary General of the Progressive Tribune in Bahrain and all
members of the Central Committee and members of the Progressive Tribune. We
salute you and send best wishes to all delegates to the 23rd Conference of the
Working People’s Party and all members of the Party and its allies on the occasion
of this conference of yours.
There is no doubt that your conference is being held in unprecedented political,
economic, atmospheres and in unusual health and environmental conditions that
give this conference a special importance that calls with all possible power for
communist militants all over the world to confront them. It is not hidden from
anyone the mighty role and the struggle traditions that were entrenched over the
decades and became adjacent to your prepared party, which made it play a
vanguard role in the confrontation and in the art of managing the struggle against
imperialism and the growing capitalist influence in the region; this has established
all this appreciation and respect that your party enjoys among the communist
parties all over the world.
We hope that this conference will yield results and recommendations that will be
reflected in the course of the militant work of all communist parties.
We wish you all success in the organizational and political work of the conference.
Khalil Yousef
Secretary General of the Progressive Tribune – Bahrain»