Μήνυμα του Κομμουνιστικoύ Κόμματος Ιράκ προς το 23ο Συνέδριο του ΑΚΕΛ
Μήνυμα προς το 23ο Συνέδριο απέστειλε το Κομμουνιστικό Κόμμα Ιράκ:
«Dear Comrades, We convey the warmest greetings of Iraqi Communists to the 23rd Congress of AKEL. We are confident that this highly important event, not only in the AKEL’s internal life but also in the political and public life of Cyprus, will be another milestone in the glorious march of your fraternal party. It builds on the outstanding achievements of the party throughout its 95 years old history of struggle, defending relentlessly the cause of the working class and people of Cyprus, leading the fight for liberation, independence, democracy, peace and social progress, against colonialism, foreign occupation, imperialism and reactionary forces. Your fraternal party has consistently combined its true patriotism with fidelity to lofty ideals of socialism, communism and Marxism. AKEL has also played a prominent role in the peace movement in the Middle East and the Mediterranean, facing up to the aggressive schemes and warmongering of imperialism and its regional allies. It continues to extend support and solidarity with the peoples of this turbulent region and their progressive forces, especially the Palestinian people and their just struggle against the Israeli occupation. Dear Comrades We have followed with admiration the extensive preparations for your 23rd Congress, despite the challenge posed by the Covid-19 pandemic. The discussions and free debate of the Congress documents inside the party have enhanced the democratic character of the party and further strengthened its organisation. The lessons drawn from the recent parliamentary elections will reinforce AKEL’s status as a mass party of the working people, at the forefront of their struggle, expressing the aspirations of the young generation for change and building a prosperous and bright future for Cyprus. Your Congress, its deliberations and outcome, will therefore consolidate the indispensable role of AKEL in the ongoing fight against institutional corruption, anti-social policies and the extreme right, as well as tackling the dangerous stalemate of the Cyprus problem, achieving a solution and reunification. Dear Comrades, We seize this opportunity to express our high appreciation for AKEL’s internationalist solidarity with the Iraqi people, democrats and Communists. While wishing your 23rd Congress and its deliberations every success, we extend our wholehearted greetings to its delegates, to the party leadership and all its members. We look forward to further developing the historical relations and internationalist ties between our two parties in the joint struggle for freedom, peace, democracy, social progress, and socialism. With warmest comradely greetings, The Central Committee Iraqi Communist Party»