Μήνυμα του Κομμουνιστικού Κόμματος Ινδίας προς το 23ο Συνέδριο του ΑΚΕΛ
Μήνυμα προς το 23ο Συνέδριο απέστειλε το Κομμουνιστικό Κόμμα Ινδίας:
«Dear Comrade,
On behalf of the National Council of the Communist Party of India, and on my own behalf I extend warm fraternal greetings to the leadership and delegates participating at the 23rd Congress of the AKEL.
The 23rd Congress of AKEL is taking place in a very difficult time when the the second wave of Covid-19 pandemic situation has created havoc world wide and people are struggling to overcome its disastrous consequences on the economic, political and social life. At the same time the aggressive role of finance capital and the policy of threats, sanctions and intimidation by the US, EU and NATO are continuing while rightist forces have ascended to power in most of the European countries and other regions thus jeopardizing the life of common people world over.
Communist Party of India believes that the 23rd Congress of AKEL will be an important political event not only for Cyprus but also for Europe in general and its neighborhoods in the Eastern Mediterranean in particular where the Israeli aggression and occupation of Palestine as well as developments in Syria and Lebanon are endangering peace and stability in that region.
Dear Comrade,
CPI notes with great satisfaction the initiatives of AKEL in responding to the aspiration of the people of Cyprus for finding a just solution to the Cyprus problem. We believe that your consistent efforts will bring more support from both the communities, will end the occupation and division and will lead finally towards the reunification of Cyprus very soon. Our party as always will continue to support your just struggle for the reunification of Cyprus.
CPI believes that the success of ongoing struggle of Cypriot people for ending the occupation and reunification of their country can create immense possibilities for achieving peace and stability in that region.
Dear comrade,
CPI is well aware of the revolutionary history of AKEL as real representative of the working class and toiling masses of Cyprus and fighting for radical progressive changes in the country by defeating the right-wing forces and its policies.
We understand that your Congress is going to discuss the political and organization-related documents on which critical discussions have been taking place within the party in utmost democratic atmosphere. We believe that the political outcome of the 23rd Congress will have far reaching positive impact on the working class and popular forces of Cyprus in their struggle for the unification of Cyprus.
We highly appreciate the role of AKEL for its consistent support and solidarity with the people of Palestine and other people’s struggle as well its positive contribution in international meeting of the Communist and Workers Parties and its firm commitment to Marxism-Leninism, its adherence to the principles and values of the movement and its faith in socialism.
Dear Comrades,
Our two parties, the Communist Party of India and AKEL have excellent fraternal relations and we want to further strengthen it for the struggle for peace, democracy, social justice and finally for socialism.
We wish all success to the 23rd Congress of AKEL. With revolutionary greetings,
Comradely yours,
D. RAJA General Secretary»