Μήνυμα του Κομμουνιστικoύ Κόμματος Αυστραλίας προς το 23ο Συνέδριο του ΑΚΕΛ
Μήνυμα προς το 23ο Συνέδριο απέστειλε το Κομμουνιστικό Κόμμα Αυστραλίας:
«Dear comrade,
The Communist party of Australia (CPA) sends warm fraternal greetings to the Progressive Party of the Working People – AKEL- on the celebration of its 23rd Congress on 2-4 July 2021.
The world suffers from this anti-people pandemic forcing people to live under severe conditions. Events are being postponed as we adjust to the new realities. We wish you success in your Congress discussions and procedures, and safety from the pandemic.
We would like to take this opportunity to congratulate AKEL on its recent electoral outcome. AKEL’S political success is testament that the people of Cyprus put their trust in your leadership. In a country divided by nationalist ideals, AKEL is a unifying force for the working class.
It is the adherence to the Marxist-Leninist approach to problems that guarantees political success for any working-class party. As expressed by AKEL’s C.C. “the 23rd Congress will become a landmark not only for the Party, but also for Cyprus because our country and people need a strong and pioneering, militant and radical, united and well organised, modern and constantly renewed AKEL”.
We offer you our solidarity in all your struggles and look forward to hearing about the successful outcome of your Congress and to strengthening the ties between our parties. Long live working-class internationalism!
In socialism,
Vinnie Molina
International Department
Communist Party of Australia»